soon the end for four major stations

The Dieselgate scandal has done almost irreversible damage to diesel. If it is still – and by quite a distance – the preferred fuel of the French with a market share of 71.3% in 2023 according to data shared by the UFIP, consumption decreases with -5.5% in 2023 by compared to 2022. Along the same lines, registrations of new diesel cars have plunged in the space of a few years. Over the first five months of the year, their market share stands at a ridiculous 7.7%.

Above all, in the minds of certain people, it is still – despite notable improvements driven by ever more restrictive standards – the fuel to be killed. The Paris town hall therefore planned to make it no longer possible for certain service stations to distribute them from June 30, the date on which Crit’Air 2 vehicles (and therefore all new diesel cars) should theoretically have be banned in the capital (the latest news is that they will no longer be banned at all in the coming years but the Crit’Air 3 will be banned from January 1, 2025). With the Olympics approaching, it was decided to give them a reprieve.

Why the Olympics are changing town hall plans

While the city has already gotten rid of all its diesel-powered vehicles, this is not the case for the Paris police prefecture, which “has not taken this route for its vehicles, and in particular its emergency vehicles,” as David Belliard, deputy mayor of Paris in charge of transport, explained at a recent meeting attended by AFP, comments relayed by BFM. However, the prefecture’s services will be in high demand during the Olympic Games. In other words, no longer being able to obtain diesel fuel would represent a risk.

This is why instead of June 30, “the four sites located at Porte d’Aubervilliers (north), Quai d’Issy-les-Moulineaux (south-west) and Porte d’Orléans (south) will still be able to offer this fuel until September 30”, announces BFM. Once these establishments no longer offer diesel for sale, there will only be 44 points of sale left to obtain diesel in Paris.

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To sum up

In its car hunt, the Paris town hall has a particular target, diesel models. She intends to ensure that we can no longer obtain diesel in the capital. Not yet, this fuel is enjoying a period of respite with the Olympic Games.




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