Emmanuel Macron abandoned by the economic and entrepreneurial circles he so pampered

Indeed, no President has pampered his entrepreneurs so much. They must have completely forgotten everything they have benefited from since 2017.

Starting on the tax level, with the reduction from 33% to 25% of the corporate tax rate

Then the end of the exceptional surcharge (minus 16.5 billion euros)

Reduction in production taxes (11.1 billion euros)

Removal of the CAVE (7.8 billion euros net positive effect on IS)

Increase in power and then continuation of CICE exemptions (5.2 billion)

In total, companies were exempted from €28 billion per year between 2017 and 2024.

The only increase was in energy and France is not directly responsible for this.

The French did not realize that between 2017 and 2023, despite Covid, the yellow vests, inflation, purchasing power increased by 0.5% per year. Since 2020 this has increased twice as quickly as in Germany and it is even for the 10% of the poorest that the increase has been the highest, especially with the Macron bonus.

On the energy side, even if the French have not realized it, it has been five consecutive years that France has had the lowest rate, verified by the Forbes ranking.

Even the deindustrialization that began thirty years ago seems to have been defeated. France has 520 factories with more than 20 employees in 2016 (out of 16,520). Since the launch of FRANCE 2030, CHOSE France, we have made significant progress in the sectors of the future; 4 electric battery factories open and under construction…

There was also a major project: The drastic simplification of the Labor Code with the highest point, the capping of severance pay and the security of hiring.

Pay slip simplification is underway.

A first reform of unemployment insurance had tightened the rules to speed up the return to work.

The reform which has just passed with the increase in the duration of employment to benefit from unemployment should put more unemployed people back into work.

Great efforts have been made in terms of apprenticeship, the latter was the poor relation of employment policies. The liberalization of the system in 2018 with the granting of very significant aid including for hiring, has allowed the professional integration of 825,000 new apprentices in 2023.

The improvement in employment was the primary factor in maintaining general purchasing power.

The unemployment rate has dropped from 9.6% to 7% by mid-2023 and 7.5% currently due in part to inflation. More than 2 million jobs have been created but the decline in real estate has pushed unemployment back up.

Another contributing factor was the massive cuts in household taxes:

Elimination of the housing tax on the main residence (18.6 billion euros)

Reform of the income tax scale (5.4 billion euros)

Elimination of the audiovisual licence fee (3.2 billion euros)

The flat tax on capital income (1.8 billion euros)

Reinstatement of tax increases on tobacco and energy; 30 billion euros of taxes will have been returned to the French.

Almost all of these benefits have been largely financed by debt instead of restricting social benefits which are at an aberrant level in our country.

Despite this, the President’s rating is disastrous even if he has done much more than all the Presidents before him; ” Find the mistake ” !

70% of businesses were massively helped during Covid, or even saved (whatever the cost).

It seems that there is no longer any recognition of this very difficult passage which nevertheless increased the debt rating terribly. This is what is reproached to him first by all the French, by many executives, entrepreneurs, including farmers.

So vote wisely according to your conscience!




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