Are you at risk of having to pay 150 euros for the real estate declaration?

Are you at risk of having to pay 150 euros for the real estate declaration?
Are you at risk of having to pay 150 euros for the real estate declaration?

This weekend, millions of French people will have work. Fulfilling a civic duty this Sunday: voting in the first round of the legislative elections. But also an obligation that caused so much talk last summer. Do you remember the famous declaration of real estate assets? If you have a new address for your main or secondary residence, if you have changed tenants or if you have acquired real estate, you will have to report it to the tax authorities.

The former will simply have to modify the address or profile of the new occupant. As for the latter, they will be required to complete the declaration of their real estate in the “Manage my real estate” tab on the tax website.This declaration allows us to know if your accommodation should be exempt from housing tax because it is your main residence or subject to housing tax because it is your secondary residence or to the tax on vacant premises.“, hammers the General Directorate of Public Finances.

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You have until Sunday June 30 inclusive to fulfill this obligation. Latecomers risk paying a fine for incorrect, incomplete or omission declarations. According to our information, 11% of the 34 million taxpayers concerned have still not declared, to date, their real estate(s), or just under 4 million taxpayers. If in 2023 the watchword was clemency for all, given the novelty of the declaration, the music has changed for 2024.

Taxpayers of “bad faith” risk a fine of 150 euros per undeclared lot.”It is still an obligation, so if someone stubbornly refuses to do it, we will have to punish them. Our DNA is to collect taxes. Especially since it is a declaration that we only make once, unless something changes, many people stay in their homes for a long time», explains to Figaro the Directorate General of Public Finances. It remains to be seen whether the axe will fall on July 1 or later. The tax administration remains silent.

For other taxpayers, for example those who have had difficulty connecting to the tax site, the kindness of the tax administration remains essential. “We will continue to show kindness to taxpayers in good faith“, confirms the DGFIP. To remedy these connection inconveniences, the tax authorities have set up, since this year, a form entitled “declaration of occupation of premises by the owner” which can be obtained, in paper format, from your public finance center. Individuals also have the possibility of contacting the tax administration by calling the national number 0 809 401 401 (free service + price of a call) in case of questions.



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