Greater Grenoble: “Stop the factory of undocumented immigrants”

Greater Grenoble: “Stop the factory of undocumented immigrants”
Greater Grenoble: “Stop the factory of undocumented immigrants”

This was what we could see on numerous signs this Tuesday, June 26, during the rally in front of the prefecture, called by the CGT for undocumented immigrants and associations. More than a hundred people were there, to protest again against the near impossibility of submitting regularization files, or applications for renewal of residence permits, even for women and men who have been in a regular situation for many years. From one day to the next, they lose their job, salary, various benefits because they have become undocumented! However, they are in essential jobs without which society could not function.

For months, it has been impossible to access the prefecture without making an appointment in advance online, even to return to collect your papers! But almost no appointment slots are available. People who come on their own without an appointment are turned away.

Many spoke of the distress and anguish of the families affected by such a revolting situation.

All the associations came together in a collective “Move your pref”, to put pressure on the Prefect.

This situation is not unique in France and concerns the entire world of work which must show solidarity. Because ruining the lives of immigrants will also lead to ruining those of workers with a French identity card.

The rally ended with a call to continue and amplify the struggle.



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