Bart De Wever appointed trainer by the King? For some parties, it is “premature” to move to the formation stage

Bart De Wever appointed trainer by the King? For some parties, it is “premature” to move to the formation stage
Bart De Wever appointed trainer by the King? For some parties, it is “premature” to move to the formation stage

The president of the N-VA, Bart De Wever, will be received on Wednesday at 10 a.m. by the King for his new report, announced the Royal Palace.

On June 12, the head of state appointed the president of the Flemish nationalists as an informant with a view to the formation of a federal government. He received the mission “to identify the parties wishing to quickly form a stable coalition at the federal level and to identify its main political orientations”.

Mr. De Wever already made a first report to the sovereign last Wednesday. He indicated last week to the W16 information site that the most likely coalition was the so-called “Arizona”, that is, the one which brings together the negotiating partners in Flanders – N-VA, Vooruit and the CD&V – and on the French-speaking side – the MR and the Engagés. Discussions take place in complete discretion.

Le Soir wrote late Tuesday afternoon, relying on “a good source”, that Bart De Wever could be appointed trainer. “This would mean that the conditions are met to try to conclude and that the potential partners have given the green light”adds the daily.

It remains to be seen whether this appointment will take place. According to more than one party, such a scenario seems a little premature. But, according to others, this would not be a bad thing.

Within Vooruit, for example, it is indicated that there was only one conversation with the informant in the context of the formation of a federal government and that, given the difficult task awaiting the next government, choices still need to be made.

Potential partners had access to the information report on Tuesday. It will be up to the King to decide on Wednesday morning, based on this report, what the next step will be.

For Maximé Prévot, it is premature to move on to the training stage already

The president of the Engagés, Maxime Prévot, believes that it is premature to already move this Wednesday to the stage of the formation of a federal government while the royal informant Bart De Wever is expected this morning at the Palace to report to the king after two weeks of mission.

“We are not sufficiently advanced in the convergence of the parties (…) and we still do not have confirmation from Vooruit” to want to participate in an Arizona coalition, Mr. Prévot commented Wednesday morning on LN24.

“The stars are not yet united”he judged.

According to him, it is illusory to believe that a new federal government will see the light of day on July 21, as some claim, given the distance between the political programs of each party.

“Mathematical clarity is one thing, political convergence is another,” recalled the mayor of Namur.

Asked about his support for Bart De Wever becoming Prime Minister, Mr Prévot replied that he did not have a veto over individuals, but rather over a confederal project for the country. As Prime Minister, Bart De Wever will have to “working for all Belgians”he insisted.

As for the discussions with the MR for the constitution of a coalition in the Walloon Region and in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, things will go much faster here, the president of the Engagés also confided.

In his eyes, it is “plausible” that new governments are already at work by July 21, but without wanting to set any deadline. More than fetishizing a date, Mr. Prévot said he preferred to focus on the content of the majority agreement, he concluded.

Bart de Wever n-va royal palace king Philippe political report formation of a federal government



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