“Copains Couleurs” a dynamic association in its pictorial art – info-chalon.com

“Copains Couleurs” a dynamic association in its pictorial art – info-chalon.com
“Copains Couleurs” a dynamic association in its pictorial art – info-chalon.com

With its 42 members, the “Copains Couleurs” association held, this Monday, June 24, 2024, its statutory general meeting, in the presence of Pascale Lepers, deputy for associative life, representing Vincent Bergeret, mayor of Chatenoy le Royal, as well as as Nathalie Ferry, deputy for cultural life of the municipality.

A general meeting chaired by Pierre Patenet, president of the association, assisted by Danielle Wettling, vice-president; Constance d’Arces, treasurer and Martine Chastanet, Secretary.

As a preamble to the reports (moral and financial), the president wanted to thank the municipality for its support.

Three artistic activities

“Copains Couleurs” are three workshops that meet, once a month, to work on watercolor, acrylic and pastel. Three speakers lead these workshops: Michel Racine for watercolor and acrylic; Ghala Vasylenko, a Ukrainian painter who arrived in France, who shares her acrylic work (with a brush or knife) with members.

Obviously, Pierre Patenet of whom we know his passion and his art in watercolor which is more oriented towards the initiation to this art with groups of adults or young people.

Internships allow members who wish to improve their skills with external speakers, whether in acrylic, pastel or watercolor. Three internships took place over the past year;

A dynamic association

“Copains Couleurs” is a very active association and which demonstrates this through the various events in which it likes to organize or participate.

The association has already included in its agenda:

– Participation in the Forum of Associations on September 1, 2024.

– The Shadows and Lights exhibition on November 16 and 17, 2024 in the village hall.

– A presence at the Châtenoy le Royal Christmas Market on November 30 and December 1, 2024.

– The annual exhibition on May 24 and 25, 2025 at the Rameau Hall.

Also note the organization of a trip in 2025 for members in Doubs to Ornans, the birthplace of Gustave Courbet which houses a museum dedicated to the man and his works.

Sound management

With a budget of around €5,000, the “Copains Couleurs” association presents sound management combining the purchases necessary for its operation, but also the fees paid to those involved.

In terms of contributions, these are detailed as follows:

– Membership in the Copains Couleurs association: 10 euros

– Course with a speaker: 80 euros per course

– Course with two speakers: 160 euros for two courses

– Introduction to watercolor: 50 euros

The resumption of activities for the three workshops is set for Monday September 23, 2024, activity room at the Berlioz Center in Châtenoy le Royal.

The conclusion of this general assembly belonged to Pascale Lepers who, on behalf of the municipality, congratulated the association and its renewed office for its good functioning and its participatory commitment to the municipality.

President Patenet then invited the assembly to share a glass of Friendship.

JC Reynaud



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