Licra PERIGUEUX: training at the Périgueux Police School – Licra

Licra PERIGUEUX: training at the Périgueux Police School – Licra
Licra PERIGUEUX: training at the Périgueux Police School – Licra

Licra intervened at the Périgueux National Police Academy (ENP) on May 31 with 210 student peacekeepers in order to raise their awareness of the reception of victims of racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination.

This intervention was made possible thanks to the three-year partnership agreement signed with the Ministry of the Interior. This agreement sets out the principles of a partnership between the LICRA and the general directorates of the national police and the national gendarmerie, and aims to share the LICRA’s experience in welcoming victims in order to better combat racism and anti-Semitism.
Barbara BICHON from the legal service at the national Licra and Natacha MAYAUD, lawyer at the Licra in Périgueux, first presented the LICRA association and its universalism before sharing our experience on welcoming and supporting victims with of the legal service in Paris and at the local section level.
In a second part, Barbara BICHON explained the construction of racism through the notion of bias: a cognitive mechanism at the origin of stereotypes and prejudices. Many concrete cases illustrated this intervention and gave a large place to exchanges with the students.

Patrick ANDRES.

No. 689 – The DDV • Informational disorder: A threat to democracy – Fall 2023 – 100 pages



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