“A little something extra”, really! Why Artus’ film is a hit, at the Grand Palais de Roanne as elsewhere

“A little something extra”, really! Why Artus’ film is a hit, at the Grand Palais de Roanne as elsewhere
“A little something extra”, really! Why Artus’ film is a hit, at the Grand Palais de Roanne as elsewhere

Artus’ comedy here also enjoys a success that is as unexpected as it is deserved. Thanks to her humor, but also to the values ​​she conveys.

The numbers are spectacular. 23,000 entries to the Grand Palais for A little something extra since May 1, the date of its theatrical release.

Four times more entries than Retirement home 2

This is four times more than Retirement home 2the film coming here in second position in 2024 (5,600 spectators), notably with the young Costellois Léonard Signoret on the bill.

A little something extra continues to be a hit

And it is therefore of a “totally unexpected” scale, even if “French comedies always do well in Roanne”, says Aurélien Kremer, director of the largest cinema in the city, located Cours de la République.

Where the theaters were often full to bursting, with people of all generations and social classes, for the screenings of Artus’ film. Including in the new Premium space, with all comfort, mainly intended for blockbuster feature films, at the request of the public.

And it is of course still on display at the Multiplex Roannais. “It still works quite well. As long as there are people coming to see it, we will continue to offer it,” promises Aurélien Kremer.

Values ​​of “fraternity” and “kindness”

The latter, who has a sister-in-law with Down syndrome, loved the well-felt “punchlines” of this comedy about mental disability. But apart from humor, what explains his “deserved success” according to him are the values ​​of “fraternity and benevolence” that he conveys.

As for Welcome to the Ch’tis et Untouchables, the biggest hits at the French box office in recent decades, it is about “friendship a priori impossible”. And, in the end, the humanity of the characters – who are completely opposed and who should never have met – takes the upper hand.

“With us, people come to the cinema above all to have fun, to relax and to clear their minds.”

Aurelien Kremer (director of the Grand Palais)

To the great pleasure of the public, who like to treat themselves to this kind of refreshing break in the middle of a daily life that is surely a little too stressful.

Because it is above all the sharing of emotions and good times that counts, behind the numbers. As spectacular as they are.

The cinema festival for four days, from Sunday

Tickets for 5 euros for all sessions, including in the Premium room. This is the program at the Grand Palais, as everywhere in France, from Sunday June 30 to Wednesday July 3. The opportunity for latecomers to go and see A little something extra. Or other highly anticipated films: the latest Pixar Vice Versa 2which starts very well, the big budget The Counts of Monte Cristo with Pierre Niney, or even the comedy The Hennedricks Familywith Dany Boon.

Several sessions will be full; It’s a certainty. It is therefore prudent to reserve your place, and thus choose your position in the room via the Internet (legrandpalais.fr).

By Pierre-François Chetail



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