Daniel Cohn-Bendit to the aid of Clément Beaune in Paris

The former minister responsible for transport and outgoing deputy for Paris, Clément Beaune (Renaissance), in the premises of France 2, June 9, 2024. BRUNO LEVY FOR “THE WORLD”

What’s better than a little Macron bashing to try to hang on to the left’s wagon? Tuesday June 24, in the courtyard of a primary school on 11e district of Paris, the outgoing deputy Clément Beaune had invited Daniel Cohn-Bendit to come and say in his place all the bad things he thinks of the head of state. In front of around a hundred people – most of them sixty-year-olds – the former leader of May 68 thus devoted a significant part of his speech to vilifying the tenant of the Elysée, under the greedy eye of the Renaissance candidate .

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“I am furious with Macron”launched Daniel Cohn-Bendit at the start of his speech, denouncing “intolerable perversity” of the head of state. “One week before the Olympic Games, playing like that with the destiny of a country, I don’t know where it lives, but, in any case, it doesn’t live in this world. »

The former Green MEP (1994-2014) – first in Germany, then in France – then accused the head of state “to use the words of Jean-Marie Le Pen”citing his use of the word “ immigrationniste », to criticize the program of the New Popular Front (NFP), during the commemorations of the June 18 appeal. But he also compared him to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of La France insoumise (LFI). “The immaturity of this guy [Emmanuel Macron] is equal to the immaturity of Mélenchon”, he estimated, before concluding: “The despair is great. At one point, he fascinated a large part of French society. He was offering her something new. And today, he offers nothing. The fascination of nothingness. »

“He got fooled”

“I agree 90% of Daniel’s comments, even if he says harsher things than I think about Macron”, unloads Clément Beaune, on the sidelines of the meeting. Candidate in 7e Paris constituency, Clément Beaune campaigned in 2022 with a photo of the head of state on his posters. This year, the head of state has disappeared from his electoral propaganda.

The candidate was however twice Emmanuel Macron’s delegate minister, from 2020 to 2024, for Europe then for transport, after having been one of his close advisors during his time at the Ministry of the Economy (2014 -2016) under the five-year term of François Hollande, then during his first years at the Elysée. But, today, he seeks to distance himself from his former mentor, his opposition to the law on immigration in December 2023 – which cost him his ministerial seat – is being made into a feat of arms. “He was fooled by his president when he dared to tell him noDaniel Cohn-Bendit tells the audience. It’s like that with Macron: “Aren’t you nice to me? Tac, you take a hit”. »

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