Eighteen years of criminal imprisonment for a “heinous” crime

Eighteen years of criminal imprisonment for a “heinous” crime
Eighteen years of criminal imprisonment for a “heinous” crime

Criminal Court of Indre-et-Loire

Until the end, Earvin-Naim Voisin spared no effort to cast shame on the young woman in front of him. Miserably, the repeat drug addict tried to taint the complainant with his own vices, overwhelming her with an alleged drug debt and a greed great enough to prefer a payment « a nature » rather than cash.

DNA evidence at the heart of the debate

Unable to acknowledge the rape committed at gunpoint in a stairwell of a building in the Prébendes district of Tours (Indre-et-Loire), on October 8, 2022, despite the DNA evidence, Earvin-Naim Voisin prefers to smear his victim a little more: “I don’t know what she did with the condom I left behind.”

Too cowardly to clarify his filthy theory, he leaves the young woman’s lawyer took care of it for him: “My client allegedly took her DNA from there and planted it in her vagina. How perverse.” says M.e Audrey Chefneux, breathless with indignation.

A story “difficult, if not impossible, to believe, responds Attorney General Marie-Flore Brunet, who mentions the young woman’s tearful call to the police immediately after her attack. And after taking so many precautions to leave no fingerprints by taking care to put on a latex glove, he wants us to believe that he left the used condom there? We know on which side of the courtroom the shame lies.

The defense is not impressed. “DNA is always presented as the queen of evidence. However, it is not infallible. A transfer happens easily”expose Me Laura Izemmour before pleading for acquittal. Scientific arguments that will not be enough to sway the five professional magistrates who make up the criminal court.

Questions left unanswered

Earvin-Naim Voisin was sentenced on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, to a sentence equal to the “infamous rape” of which he is accused. Eighteen years of criminal imprisonment, as requested by the public prosecutor, with a two-thirds security period and socio-judicial monitoring for five years. As an additional penalty, he is prohibited from appearing in Indre-et-Loire for ten years.

These years in prison also respond to the “significant risk” on the psycho-criminological level detected in Earvin-Naim Voisin by the experts. The latter had diagnosed a “total lack of empathy and guilt” and an “ease of taking action” at the thirty-year-old, originally from Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique), steeped in delinquency since he was 13.

After two days of listening to the « ignominies » and the “horrors” uttered against her, the 25-year-old complainant leaves the civil parties’ bench with her head held high. Some of her relatives shed tears of relief.

The day before, the young woman had wondered about that morning of October 8, 2022, when Earvin-Naim Voisin, this complete stranger, had intercepted her at the bottom of her house: “Why me? Why that day?” Unanswered questions leave a feeling of unfinished business, mixed with worry, as the courtroom doors close behind her.



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