“purchasing power” at the heart of the campaign of Karen Bertholom, RN candidate

“purchasing power” at the heart of the campaign of Karen Bertholom, RN candidate
“purchasing power” at the heart of the campaign of Karen Bertholom, RN candidate

Sales in large and medium-sized stores in the drugstore, perfumery and hygiene sectors, she carries out her professional activity and the very short legislative election campaign, using these proven methods of communication: leafleting at the market, sticking posters on electoral panels and distribution of flyers in mailboxes, without a public meeting.

Unsurprisingly, his campaign markers are those used nationally by RN president Jordan Bardella: “purchasing power, security and immigration”.


To listen to her, the standard of living is also the first subject that comes to her on the ground and on which she can surf by certifying that an RN government could “lower VAT, from 20% to 5.5%, on fuels, fuel oil, gas and electricity.

If the district is not particularly known for being criminogenic, Karen Bertholom assures that she has met “people who are afraid”. An example ? In Muron, a rural commune where the RN obtained the absolute majority of European votes with 50.45% of the votes (1), “minor delinquency is a subject of concern”.

On agricultural issues, Karen Berholom defers to her deputy Steve Gabet, mayor of Marsais (nearly a thousand inhabitants). As for the divisive local issues linked to the use of pesticides in the Aunis plain or the creation of basins for irrigation, she says that “they do not necessarily arise spontaneously”.



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