Beauvais. 28-year-old man arrested six hours after leaving prison

Beauvais. 28-year-old man arrested six hours after leaving prison
Beauvais. 28-year-old man arrested six hours after leaving prison
Photo: Facebook National Police / General Directorate of the National Police.

We cannot say that Jessy Momal enjoyed his freedom for a very long time. Only six hours after his release from prisonhe is arrested again by the police for contempt.

On June 14, the police were called for what appeared to be domestic violence. On site, they found a broken door, traces of blood, an alcoholic victim and a man with a wound on his hand. Everything suggests that they are facing a scene of a couple’s fight. “I accused Madame of infidelity, which was trueadmits Jessy Momal. I was at her house with a friend, everything was going well, but I saw them hugging in the bedroom. Having just gotten out of prison, I didn’t want to do anything. But I punched him, and we caught each other before he left.»

That’s when the police arrive. Jessy Momal starts gesticulating and insulting them : «asshole, you son of a bitch, you’re going to see death you motherfucker“, he blurted. He tries to headbutt them, struggles, falls and spits blood in their faces, as his arch and lip are cut open. In the vehicle, he continues and kicks them. He signs his report with the letters “NTM”, translate “fuck your mother”.

He escapes from Amiens University Hospital with his IV

As he is injured, the 28-year-old young man is treated at Beauvais hospital. But with a ruptured tendon in the right hand, he must be sent at Amiens University Hospital to be operated on.

The next day, the police came to the university hospital to pick him up and take him into custody. Problem, the bird vanished with its IV. A search warrant is issued. On June 17, his partner was heard, but she did not know where he could be. On June 21, Jessy Momal was arrested near her home. “I was at her house, I had drunk three large beers at 12°», he recalls, admitting that he a real problem with alcohol.

Because for him, if his first arrest was so violent, it was because of his problem with drinking. And with the police: “I’ve already been arrested for domestic violence, so when I saw them coming I told myself that they were going to believe that it was still the case when it wasn’t. And since I have a big record and I’ve already had problems with them, I didn’t want to come out… But I’m sorry, I’m not proud of what I did

Already 23 convictions at 28 years

Indeed, the young man is quite well known to the police. With 57 mentions and 23 convictions on his criminal record, this is not his first attempt. “At what point will we be able to say that we can do something for you? asks the public prosecutor. At what point will you realize that if anyone can do anything, it’s yourself? Will you be able to face this temptation of alcohol?»

Faced with all these questions, the prosecution requested a sentence of 18 months in prison, including 6 months suspended on probation for three years. Continued detention is requested for the firm part of the sentence.

He will spend six months behind bars

The defense lawyer finds it unfortunate that the use of the cameras is only of interest to the police and that a large part of it is cut off.

Ultimately, Jessy Momal is found guilty by the court and is sentenced to 12 months in prison including 6 months under suspended probation for two years. The final part will be carried out in detention. He will have to comply with the obligation to work and take care of himself.



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