Nearly 1,000 voluntary food waste drop-off points to be gradually installed starting this summer

Nearly 1,000 voluntary food waste drop-off points to be gradually installed starting this summer
Nearly 1,000 voluntary food waste drop-off points to be gradually installed starting this summer

This summer, the Greater Nancy Metropolis is deploying voluntary food waste drop-off points. As of this Monday, July 1st, pNearly 1,000 points will be gradually installed across the territory, in close collaboration with the municipalities.

Peelings, leftovers, bread, coffee grounds, filters and paper pods, egg or nut shells… Nearly 1,000 voluntary drop-off points dedicated to food waste will be gradually installed from this Monday, July 1st across the territory, in close collaboration with the municipalities, inform the services of the Greater Nancy Metropolis. This deployment is in line with European law and the 2020 anti-waste law for a circular economy (AGEC law), and the household waste tonnage reduction targets included in the Local Waste Prevention Program 2022-2026. The Greater Nancy Metropolis has thus committed to reducing its annual tonnage of household and similar waste per capita by 15% between 2010 and 2030 with the aim of drastically reducing the presence of biowaste in household waste.

Among the first towns concerned this summer in the territory of the Metropolis: Fléville-devant-Nancy, Heillecourt, Houdemont, Villers-lès-Nancy and Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy.

For professionals who produce significant quantities of food waste (food industry, local businesses, canteens, etc.), the Metropolis services announce “a specific bin collection service” which will be offered to them as part of the special charge from September, with “an incentive rate” representing only half the price of residual household waste.

An experiment in Nancy

In parallel with these composting solutions, to go further, the Greater Nancy Metropolis has decided to continue to promote sorting at source and on-site recovery of food waste, through individual and shared composting and to set up separate collection in voluntary contribution followed by industrial recovery in the form of methanization or composting.

After an experiment deemed successful in Villers-lès-Nancy and Essey-lès-Nancy, in this sense the Métropole du Grand Nancy will launch an experiment in mid-July in several districts of Nancy, aiming to test two types of collection equipment: the urban composter and the shelter bin was initiated with a view to deciding on the equipment best suited to the typology of Nancy residents. A gradual start of the collection will follow this autumn.

To date, in the Greater Nancy area, 20,000 homes have composting solutions (i.e. 20% of the population). The Greater Nancy metropolitan area currently has nearly 18,000 individual composters, 250 shared composting sites and 800 worm composters.



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