Broken windows, swastikas, anti-RN tags… A Charente college vandalized, classes canceled

Broken windows, swastikas, anti-RN tags… A Charente college vandalized, classes canceled
Broken windows, swastikas, anti-RN tags… A Charente college vandalized, classes canceled

The André-Malraux college in Baignes-Sainte-Radegonde was vandalized during the night from Sunday to Monday. The president of the Charente department denounces attacks on “secularism” and “youth”.

Broken windows, smashed doors, torn pipes… The André-Malraux college in Baignes-Sainte-Radegonde (Charente) was the target of acts of vandalism on the night of Sunday June 23 to Monday June 24, 2024, reports the local newspaper Free Charente.

In addition to the ceilings collapsing under the weight of the water, food from the cold rooms was thrown to the ground. Tags, contradictory to say the least, were also discovered on the walls of the establishment: a swastika, inscriptions against the National Rally and an anarchist symbol.

“It’s a real wreck,” breathes Philippe Bouty, the president of the Charente Departmental Council to the daily newspaper Sud Ouest.

“A despicable act”

The management alerted the students’ parents by e-mail: “The André-Malraux college will not be able to accommodate students today. Please look after your children. We will come back to you for more information during the day”, indicates Charente Libre.

On the parents’ side, incomprehension and anger dominate. “I am completely disillusioned, it’s trash for the sake of trash,” a mother confided to La Charente Libre. “A despicable act,” says Isabelle Lagarde, first vice-president of the 4B community of municipalities.

“These are unspeakable acts in the troubled times we are experiencing,” deplores the president of the department Philippe Bouty, quoted by the local newspaper.

“When we attack a college, secularism, youth, it is deplorable (…). It takes us back to the darkest hours of history,” he adds.

After the discovery of the facts, the management of the André-Malraux college was forced to send the students home and cancel classes.

“The college will probably not be able to reopen before the start of the school year,” deplores Philippe Bouty, president of the Charente Departmental Council, to Sud Ouest.

In a press release, the Charente Departmental Council indicates that it has filed a complaint and proceeded to secure and clean the establishment. “The Councilors strongly deplore this devastating act and address to all the collateral victims of this despicable action, all their support and the expression of their strong solidarity”, specifies the press release.

The André-Malraux college was to be among the examination and correction centers in Charente for the college certificate. In fact, the tests will finally take place in the town of Barbezieux.

This Tuesday, June 25, the third grade students find their way back to school in the neighboring primary school, where two unoccupied rooms have been set up by municipal agents and the educational body, specifies La Charente Libre.

If the fourth grade classes are currently in training, lessons should be provided remotely from Wednesday morning for the fifth grades. As for the sixth grade students, they will be back in their establishment this Tuesday, in the few parts that have not been affected.

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