The village hall inaugurated

The village hall inaugurated
The village hall inaugurated

The former Post Office sorting center has found a new vocation by becoming a village hall. Associations will be able to organize their events there.

P riveted to a village hall for several years, the inhabitants of Beaune-la-Rolande finally have a hall at their disposal. On Friday, the new multipurpose room, the Camille-Suttin space, was inaugurated.

Camille Suttin was mayor of the town from 1983 to 1995. Alongside her daughter Nadine Crosnier, Jacqueline Suttin, the wife of the former mayor, cut the tricolor ribbon in the presence of many elected officials.

150,000 euros of work

Testimonials of recognition were given for the action and the attachment that the elected official had for his municipality. Born in Boynes, he became a Beaunois by heart. Camille Suttin had a career as a senior civil servant.

A man of character, with a strong personality and charisma, he was a perfect manager. He had prepared the future of the town in terms of town planning, as mentioned by Martine Providence, general director at the time.

He was a municipal councilor, then upon retirement served his municipality as mayor for two terms. Passionate about local history, he also participated in the creation of the Cercil.

Located in the industrial zone, this existing building previously housed a Post Office sorting center. With an area of ​​500 square meters, the room can accommodate around 500 people. After upgrading, the space was opened to the public in May. “This industrial building will have a second life, the municipality made the right choice, that of reason, budgetary rigor, that of recycling an industrial building which could have been abandoned,” underlined Michel Masson.

The building was acquired for an amount of 340,000 euros, 150,000 euros of work was carried out. While the rehabilitation of Parville would have cost, without guarantee of results, a little more than 2.5 million euros, according to the municipality. A grant of 119,000 euros was granted as part of the equipment provision for rural areas. Beaune associations will now be able to organize their events there.



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