what future for the municipal representative of Brest?

what future for the municipal representative of Brest?
what future for the municipal representative of Brest?

A sign of the importance of this hearing on Monday June 24, 2024, in Brest (Finistère): four socialist elected officials took their place in the ranks of the public. Hearing which will mark a turning point in the political career of Hosny Trabelsi. Certainly a definitive turning point.

Now that the elected official has been convicted in a sexual assault case, it seems unthinkable that François Cuillandre, mayor of Brest, would return his deputy delegation to him, in charge of the Europe district. Especially since sentences were pronounced this Monday whose echo will resonate for a long time.

“Feeling of impunity”

There are the facts, first of all. These are contested by the person concerned but the court considers them proven. Hosny Trabelsi will have to live with these accusations and this conviction. With all the gritty details that could be given.

There is also the personality of the chosen one. David Rajjou, lawyer for the civil parties, describes “a man of power, who is well established”. The lawyer also depicts “a feeling of impunity, of omnipotence” of the chosen one, who would be “particularly shocking”.

In front of President Xavier Jublin, Hosny Trabelsi was boxed. Without succeeding in returning the blows. But was he even able to collect them properly? The judge placed great emphasis on the text messages sent by the elected official to his supposed victim, three weeks after the events. David Rajjou sees it “pressures”. Can an elected representative of the Republic afford this?

“Reach the municipal team”

Hosny Trabelsi’s line of defense could also cool some of his socialist friends or ex-friends. He is convinced: the victim, formerly in a relationship with a former eminent member of the Brest left, would have wanted him “break politically to reach the municipal team”.

What purpose ? This is where the thorny issue of public procurement arises, put on the table by Hosny Trabelsi. The victim’s profession would have allowed him to win public contracts when his partner was elected, it is insinuated. However, no factual element could be presented to this effect.

Nothing either to demonstrate that, as Hosny Trabelsi claims, the victim asked him to intercede on her behalf so that she could win new public contracts at the scale of the City or the Metropolis.

Hosny Trabelsi is sentenced to one year in prison. A three-year ineligibility sentence is also imposed. In the meantime, there is little chance that Hosny Trabelsi will return to sit on the municipal or departmental council. However, he remains elected there and continues to receive his compensation.



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