14-year-old cyclist hit, driving under drugs or without a license: a Sunday full of dangers in the streets of Toulouse

14-year-old cyclist hit, driving under drugs or without a license: a Sunday full of dangers in the streets of Toulouse
14-year-old cyclist hit, driving under drugs or without a license: a Sunday full of dangers in the streets of Toulouse

the essential
The police stopped the race of several dangerous drivers on Sunday June 23 in Toulouse. They were all taken into custody.

Dangerous behavior on the road continued on Sunday in Toulouse, with consequences which could have been very serious. Sunday, in the middle of the afternoon, around 4 p.m., rue Henri-Desbals, in the Bagatelle sector, a driver who had until now gone under the radar hit a young 14-year-old cyclist. The teenager was injured but his life is not in danger. However, he had to be taken to hospital.

The police checked the person responsible for the accident. It turns out that the latter, aged 47, unknown to the courts, was driving without a license or insurance. He had to explain himself.

Prohibited senses

A little earlier, around 1 a.m., a man driving a Peugeot 208 did not want to obey a municipal police crew who wanted to check him. He sped off, crashed into parked vehicles and took wrong turns. The BAC ended up stopping its race at Faourette.

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He didn’t have a license either and was driving under drugs. This 18-year-old boy minimizes the facts in police custody.

At the start of the evening, the police had to intervene again for a two-wheeler which was zigzagging in the Matabiau sector. The 21-year-old pilot had taken drugs.



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