Church night. In Saint-Pierre-du-Regard, a “new and unusual” church

Church night. In Saint-Pierre-du-Regard, a “new and unusual” church
Church night. In Saint-Pierre-du-Regard, a “new and unusual” church

After those of Athis-de-l’Orne, La Carneille, La Lande-Patry and Flers, it is during the Saint-Pierre church of Saint-Pierre-du-Regard (Orne) to be put under the spotlight of Church Night. Usually closed, it will open its doors for a guided tour on Friday June 28, 2024.

“In this anniversary year of the Normandy landings, this choice seemed obvious to us,” explains Joële Vermot-Gaud, responsible for art, culture and faith at the parish of Flers. During the occupation of the town, German soldiers mined the bell tower which collapsed on the church, completely destroying it. 

“Sidereal Void”

It was only rebuilt in 1958, under the direction of the Flérien architect Pierre Meurice. “Very religious, he is sensitive to the reform of Bernard de Clairvaux, says Joële Vermot-Gaud. According to this abbot who lived in the Middle Ages, nothing should distract the believer in his relationship with God. »

These principles are reflected in the layout of the church where sobriety takes precedence. It only has one statue, no fresco and the spaces reserved for the choir and the organ are hidden. Bold choices, made possible by the excitement of reconstruction. “In classic churches, there is a whole scenography. In that of Saint-Pierre, it is absent. It is as unique as it is unusual, insisted Joële Vermot-Gaud. When we enter, we are absorbed by this sidereal void which provokes great emotion. »

Joële Vermot-Gaud, art, culture and faith delegate at the parish of Flers (Orne), will comment on the visit to Saint-Pierre church, Friday June 28, 2024. | WEST FRANCE
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Joële Vermot-Gaud, art, culture and faith delegate at the parish of Flers (Orne), will comment on the visit to Saint-Pierre church, Friday June 28, 2024. | WEST FRANCE

Historical anecdotes

Inside the church, the eye falls on the immense altar stone. Originally, it was in a church called Saint-Laurent, located in another village. The inhabitants of the latter moved to Saint-Pierre-du-Regard where a miller named Pierre agreed to give part of his land to build the church, on the condition that it bear his name.

“Today, a bas-relief of Saint-Laurent is displayed in the Saint-Pierre church, in memory of this episode,” relates the art, culture and faith manager of the parish of Flers. During the Night of the Churches, she will tell these anecdotes in the company of the sacristan Laurent Thébault. The latter will intone theAve Maria the Schubert and fin de visite.

Friday June 28, 2024, from 8:30 p.m. to 10 p.m., guided tour of the Saint-Pierre church, 6, rue de la Roque, Saint-Pierre-du-Regard.



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