Maritime festivals, long covid and rescuers at sea: Hello Brest!

Hello everyone ! How are you doing this Monday, June 24, 2024? Enjoyed the weekend? So let’s go. From June 24 to 26, Brest hosts the general assembly of the Society of Members of the Legion of Honor (SMLH), which brings together 40,000 holders of the Legion of Honor. The event will bring together nearly 600 people. Thirteen delegations from foreign sections and three from overseas (Guadeloupe, Polynesia, Reunion) will also be present for the festivities. “Monday is dedicated to them, with three conferences dedicated to international issues between 1:30 p.m. and 6 p.m., Yves-Moraud room, at the Victor-Segalen faculty,” said Sylvie Sturel, one of the organizers.

This Monday is also proposed a new Health Monday at the faculty of law, economics and management (amphis 500 and 600), as part of sexual health weeks. The theme: “Menopause, towards a new intimate balance”. The conference is free and will take place from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Today, we celebrate the national day of rescuers at sea. The opportunity to (re)see the images of Pierre Chapin on the general rehearsal of the SNSM before the Brest Maritime Festival 2024. An exercise with means worthy of a blockbuster!

Finally, we wish a happy birthday to footballer Lionel Messi, who is celebrating his 37th birthday, and a happy birthday to all Jean-Baptiste.

Today’s weather forecast: summer is finally here

It’s officially summer since Friday. Yes, yes, it’s promised. The proof is that the sun is coming out in Brest today, with up to 25°C in the afternoon. So, all you had to do was ask! The sun rose at 6:18 a.m. and will set at 10:24 p.m., let’s take advantage of it before the rain comes again… [Le point météo]

Traffic in real time: everything is moving

Nothing unusual in terms of traffic this Monday. Things always get stuck in the same places: D26 and D67 before Bohars, D13 before Gouesnou, D267 towards Guipavas. But also in Brest, boulevard Montaigne and Europe in particular. Attention motorists using the Iroise bridge, fog was reported this morning.

For those waiting for friends at the station, the TER BreizhGo Rennes-Brest which was to leave at 6 a.m. and arrive at 8:15 a.m. is partially canceled. The terminus will be in Saint-Brieuc, but don’t worry, a transfer is planned to Brest at 7:53 a.m.

The helping hand

A little over a year ago, Mylène Le Stum launched a fitness program project for people with long covid with the Défi Santé Nutrition association. In September 2024, this project entitled “My covid-19 in motion” will start again, based on adapted physical activity sessions, discussion workshops around diet or sleep and individual interviews. [Les explications avec Brendan Michel]

Cécile Le Moal (left), dietician, and Mylène Le Stum, adapted physical activity teacher from the Défi Santé Nutrition association, are relaunching the health prevention program for people with long-term covid. (Photo from Le Télégramme archives/Valérie Gozdik)

Today’s number: 140

This is, in tonnes, the weight of equipment that the French Navy has installed as part of the Brest 2024 maritime festivals. The work to install the moorings began in mid-June and should end this week. They notably mobilized the thirteen crew members of the CRA (anchor tug barge) Telenn-Mor, ten divers and the crew of tugboats such as the Turquin. [Les détails des installations]

The Telenn-Mor and its team members installed the chains on the west quay of the fifth commercial port basin of Brest.



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