Prescription without prescription of several medications in pharmacies: thanks to this decree, “antibiotics will no longer be given wrongly”, confides a pharmacist in Carcassonne

Prescription without prescription of several medications in pharmacies: thanks to this decree, “antibiotics will no longer be given wrongly”, confides a pharmacist in Carcassonne
Prescription without prescription of several medications in pharmacies: thanks to this decree, “antibiotics will no longer be given wrongly”, confides a pharmacist in Carcassonne

Since June 18, all French pharmacies have been authorized to prescribe medications against cystitis and angina without a prescription. It was in a decree published in the Official Journal that the decision was ratified. What changes could this announcement bring about in the health sector? Answers with a pharmacist from Carcassonne and a doctor from Aude.

This change should help prevent abuse. Tuesday June 18, a decree published in the Official Journal officially authorized pharmacies to prescribe medications against cystitis and angina without a prescription.

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For patients, several conditions must be met depending on the disease. For the first, women suspecting symptoms will be seen if they are between 16 and 65 years old. In the second case, you will simply have to be over 10 years old. For both pathologies, the absence of fever will be checked beforehand.

Learning over several days

Concretely, how is this novelty perceived by the profession and how does the latter intend to organize itself? Jordan De Oliveira, manager of the Lafayette pharmacy in Carcassonne, spoke on the subject. As far as he is concerned, initial preparation took place before the publication of the decree. To do what ?

“All over France, pharmacists are undergoing training in order to carry out direct delivery of medicines as quickly as possible. In my pharmacy, some of the 10 members of my staff are already operational, even if they are missing a second part of learning to have the possibility of prescribing Two groups stand out, on the one hand those who train on the internet in e-learning, and the others who learn face-to-face., detailed the owner of the place. He has not given an end date for this training, but believes that “in a few weeks it will be good”.

In the eyes of the pharmacist, the application of this decree should alleviate the potential shortage of these medications. “Thanks to the tests carried out on the patients who come to consult us, we will have better visibility on delivery. We will target the treatment of pathologies and avoid giving antibiotics wrongly”declared, optimistic, Jordan De Oliveira.

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A plausible relief among doctors?

This publication in the Official Journal raised another essential aspect of the health sector for which the State wishes to make efforts: the reduction of congestion in medical practices. Bruno Gay, representative in Aude of the federation of French doctors, spoke: “In itself, the decree is not going to make a huge difference with the current situation. Monitoring and, above all, collective work are needed. I am thinking in particular of the CPTS (Territorial Professional Health Community, Editor’s note) which allow for the structuring of care By working together with pharmacists, we (doctors, editor’s note) can delegate and thus avoid self-medication in women with regard to cystitis. In any case, the important thing is to help them treat it. at best these urinary infections, as for cystitis in reality, it is necessary to protocol. In this context, the doctors will be relieved. Short-term actions are not enough.



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