The Agglo de Villefranche put Olympism in the spotlight in Arnas

The Agglo de Villefranche put Olympism in the spotlight in Arnas
The Agglo de Villefranche put Olympism in the spotlight in Arnas

The Land of Games 2024 label is not an empty title which was awarded to the Villefranche Beaujolais Saône urban community (CAVBS). For three years, the community has regularly organized action times to highlight theOlympism on the territory. “The objective is to introduce the Olympic and Paralympic disciplines in Beaujolaisexplains its president Pascal Ronzière, and we will continue after the 2024 Olympic Games.”

That’s all Escale sports center and its surroundings which have been invested both by sports associations using the facilities of the premises, but also activities such as a fresco on the Games, skills workshops, etc.

Everyone was able to try their hand at football, badminton, volleyball, climbing… A wall that attracts since the Agglo recently welcomed a foreign athlete who confronted the equipment of recognized quality.

Breakdancing demonstrated

A sports showcase that several hundred people came to visit, the vast majority with family, and thus possibly refine a choice for the start of the school year.

Visitors also had the opportunity to attend a demonstration of breakdancing, a new Olympic sport, performed by young people from Faubert, Utrillo and Jean-Moulin colleges. A group that won the national “Dance of Games” competition last May.

©Fabrice Petit – Pascal Ronzière and Stylite Baudut-Lamarque try electronic football.
©Fabrice Petit – Breakdancing demonstration on the Escale floor.
©Fabrice Petit – The climbing wall aroused great interest.


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