How does this village at the gates of Beauvais airport deal with the nuisance of planes?

How does this village at the gates of Beauvais airport deal with the nuisance of planes?
How does this village at the gates of Beauvais airport deal with the nuisance of planes?


Nicolas Giorgi

Published on

June 23, 2024 at 7:02 a.m.

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Tillé (Oise), 1,270 inhabitants, is it good the martyr village of Beauvais airport what do we want to describe to us? The mayor, Catherine Tillé, lists the inconveniences generated by the passage of 5.6 million travelers through her territory in 2023: “The noise of landings and takeoffs, waste strewn our sidewalks and our leisure areas, pollution, the increase in illegal parking… Every day, we impound cars for uncontrolled parking. Today, we buy more in Tillé than to make parking lots! »

The municipality will obtain 90,000 euros in compensation

The elected official even quantified the cost of these nuisances for her services 90 000 euros. A compensation that the Mixed Union of Beauvais-Tillé Airport (SMABT), owner of the platform, agreed to pay him.

This small town in Oise almost single-handedly supports all the activity of the airport. Paris Beauvais. Per year, this represents approximately 33,000 aircraft movements per year. A figure which should increase to 45,000 in the next 10 years with the arrival of Bouygues-Egis at the helm of the 10e French airport.

No need for an alarm clock

The first thing that strikes you here is the number of planes flying overhead. One almost every fifteen minutes in the morning, “during rush hours”.

When we walk the streets of the villages, signs of private parking. But also lodges. It is also not uncommon to come across lost tourists, their wheeled suitcases in hand, ready to ask for directions.

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“We don’t need an alarm clock here, we know it’s dawn when we start to hear the planes,” comments Pauline, who lives near Terminal 2.

Annette is 78 years old. This long-lived Tilloise has gotten used to this background noise. “It’s no worse than the noise of lawn mowers,” she plays down, regarding the noise of planes

The septuagenarian has always lived in Tillé and knew the airport in the 1950s, when it was just a small leisure airfield… “We went to see the planes take off with my parents, it was the outing of Sunday ! »

The issue of parking remains sensitive

According to this resident of rue du Moulin, life is very supportable in the town center, even if the question of parking, rue du Puymaigre and opposite the cemetery in particular, causes concern. Its surroundings have also taken on the appearance of an airport drop-off point, for those who do not want to pay for parking spaces.

There is a small parking lot near the cemetery and often it is full. These are people who come to pick up other people who land at the airport. When we want to go and decorate our graves with flowers, we don’t even know where to park. If you park in the street anywhere that the airport police pass by at that time, very often, you get a problem!

A resident of Tillé
The Tillé cemetery is located just a few meters from the terminals of the airport platform. (©Nicolas Giorgi / - Oise)

Human droppings in the cemetery grounds

During a recent union council of the Mixed Union of Beauvais-Tillé Airport (SMABT), Catherine Tillé also had denouncing incivility on this place of memory. “We have human droppings in the cemetery grounds.”

The parking of cars outside the municipality was also singled out.

Faced with these problems, some residents were able to take advantage of this situation, by creating parking lots. Sometimes in their garden. “Airplane noise is bearable, especially if you have double glazing. In addition, there is a curfew from midnight until 6 a.m.,” explains this self-employed person, whose family has its cellar at the entrance to the village.

« We cannot live in a city where there is an airport and complain about the nuisance! It’s like those who live in the countryside and complain about the rooster crowing,” continues the thirty-year-old, who begins welcoming the first visitors to his legal parking lot at 4 or 5 a.m.

“Beauvais airport, these are 1,700 direct jobsand several thousand indirect jobs”, also recalls this other Tillois, encountered during our report.

He refuses to sell his land to developers: “Tranquility above all”

On the other hand, Nicolas, 60, does not want to hear about juicy business. His family nevertheless inherited land of several hundred hectares at the foot of the slopes, which makes the promoters salivate with envy.

“We would rather raise chickens and geese there and have a few eggs than see it become a parking lot,” he says. Thanks to this spirit of resistance, Beauvais-Tillé is the only airport in France where travelers can find themselves pushing their suitcases to the crow of the rooster!

“Tranquility above all,” advocates the sixty-year-old, who explains that he is regularly approached.

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