Rugby – Regional 1: Bales-Galigné-Demilly, a shock third line serving Corbières XV

Rugby – Regional 1: Bales-Galigné-Demilly, a shock third line serving Corbières XV
Rugby – Regional 1: Bales-Galigné-Demilly, a shock third line serving Corbières XV

Thibaut Galigné surrounded by the two flankers Benoît Balés and Kévin Demilly will start this Sunday (3 p.m.) on the third line of Corbières XV. An Aude team which will play its second final in two years on the lawn of Isle-Jourdain, in the Gers, against Cadaujac.

Corbières XV is an impressive collective with a very powerful third line, with Thibaut Galigné, surrounded by the two flankers, Benoît Balés and Kévin Demilly. To this, we must associate Simon Le Cornec, also effective, who will return during the match, and Kévin Barriac, currently injured. Five boys who form a third line united like the five fingers of a hand.

The three friends, united, bear witness to this. Thibaut Galigné: “We are ready for Sunday. I’m happy to play with Kévin Demilly because we were together as cadets at 14 years old in Narbonne. I met Balès this season, it clicked well, like with Le Cornec and Barriac. third row, all five, we complement each other and we are happy that once one or once the other, we are a starter or a substitute, it is felt on the pitch.

Kévin Demilly, dixit Terminator : “With Thibaut, it’s joy, it’s a story since we were very young. We touched the ball together and today, we find ourselves together in the final of the French championship. We promised each other to go at the end and now, we have to make this happen. With Benoît, we have already played a final together, it works like clockwork, we are a group of friends and we are going to do everything to get wood.

Benoît Balés confirms: “Two years that I have been at Corbières , the third line, and also for the team.”

Here are the three third lines on mission. To bring back a second consecutive shield to Corbières XV.



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