Cannes: Child dies after being hit by a car during a wedding party

Cannes: Child dies after being hit by a car during a wedding party
Cannes: Child dies after being hit by a car during a wedding party

The festivities turned into drama. A child was fatally struck by a car on Saturday evening in Cannes (Alpes-Maritimes), while he was attending a wedding party with his family, Le Parisien learned from a police source, confirming information from several local media, according to which the accident occurred in the La Bocca district.

The tragedy occurred around 9:15 p.m.: the child, whose gender or age the source did not specify, “escaped his mother’s vigilance,” leaving the function room where the bride and groom’s wedding meal was taking place. He tried to “cross the road to join his father, who was on the other side.” A car driving onto the road at the same time “could not avoid the child and hit him,” the police source added.

The guests then approached the scene of the accident, and the motorist was “attacked by the crowd”. He “first fled”, before finally contacting the police himself. He was arrested in another commune and placed in police custody. Alcohol and drug tests were negative.

The child died in hospital shortly after emergency services intervened. According to Nice-Matin in particular, the firefighters found the victim in cardio-respiratory arrest when they arrived. Still according to the regional daily, four witnesses to the tragedy, extremely shocked, were treated and evacuated to Cannes hospital. In total, 35 firefighters were mobilized on site, according to BFMTV Nice Côte d’Azur.



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