Mercato – OM: De Zerbi arrives in Marseille, McCourt announces heavy things

Mercato – OM: De Zerbi arrives in Marseille, McCourt announces heavy things
Mercato – OM: De Zerbi arrives in Marseille, McCourt announces heavy things

Foot – Market – OM

Transfer window – OM: De Zerbi arrives in Marseille, McCourt announces big things

Published on June 30, 2024 at 8:30 a.m.

Hungry for sport, he grew up to the sound of Formula 1 engines and the exploits of Ronaldinho. Today, with a Master’s degree in sports journalism, he no longer misses an F1 Grand Prix or a PSG match, his two passions and specialties.

It’s now official, Roberto De Zerbi is the new coach of OM. The Marseille club made his signing official on Saturday, and the entire Marseille club is delighted with the arrival of the Italian technician from Brighton. Starting with Frank McCourt. The Bostonian did not hide his joy at seeing De Zerbi arrive.

After a very long wait, theABOUT finally has the man who will replace Jean-Louis Gasset, who left his position after a temporary period of several months on the Marseille bench. And it’s Roberto De Zerbi. A very big blow for the Marseille club which secures the signature of the Italian, despite being coveted by major European clubs like Manchester United or Bayern Munich. And it’s not to move to Frank McCourt.

McCourt is keen to sign De Zerbi…

« I am delighted that Roberto is joining us at OM and that he shares our vision for the future of the club. Roberto understands the strength of the sporting project that Pablo is building and I am convinced that his passion and experience will contribute to enhancing the potential of the team and the club. His arrival marks the beginning of an ambitious new chapter and is a key element of our strategy for OM’s future success. », promises the current owner of theABOUT in the press release published by the Marseille club.

… Longoria too!

For his part, Pablo Longoria also expressed his enthusiasm at the signing of Roberto De Zerbi. « We are very proud to welcome Roberto to Olympique de Marseille, a talented and renowned coach at European level. In addition to the enthusiasm shown, from the first contacts, at the idea of ​​coaching OM, he has all the qualities required to succeed on our bench. His choice to join us is a strong signal towards the club and the new sporting cycle that we are starting. “, confided the president of theABOUT.



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