they give voice, so that others can hear books

they give voice, so that others can hear books
they give voice, so that others can hear books

Friday June 7, the Dax Sound Library celebrated its 30th anniversary. It was created in 1994 by Dacquois doctors Jean Peyresblanques and Daniel Guchan, both ophthalmologists and members of the Lions Club.

During the ceremony…

Friday June 7, the Dax Sound Library celebrated its 30th anniversary. It was created in 1994 by Dacquois doctors Jean Peyresblanques and Daniel Guchan, both ophthalmologists and members of the Lions Club.

During the ceremony, Daniel Guchan, 96 years old, “always on a good foot and with a good eye” spoke alongside the current president, Brice Grafteaux, to discuss the major stages of the association. Then, Nadine Ducourau, the secretary recalled that today, the Dax Sound Library has nine time donors, 23 voice donors, 36 audio readers for 442 students with cognitive disorders, divided into seven schools, 35 colleges and 23 high schools, without forgetting the beneficiaries of the services, always completely free, in nursing homes and senior residences in the Greater Dax area.

The number of volunteer hours carried out by time donors and voice donors was 4,423 hours in 2023. The catalog contains 1,420 works available on CD, MP3 or download, including 89 in school adaptation and 77 in youth adaptation .

Voice givers

Because the parent association, Les Donneurs de voix, created in 1972 and which currently has 105 sound libraries like that of Dax, spread across the territory, has the philosophy of promoting access to culture and information. for everyone, especially for people with sensory, physical or cognitive deficiencies that prevent them from reading.

The Association of Vocalists defends the idea that access to culture is a fundamental right and that people who are unable to read should not be excluded from cultural life.

This is why it has developed a network of libraries throughout France which lend free books and audio magazines recorded by volunteer voice donors and offer young people with reading difficulties due to a visual deficiency or a reading and learning disorder, “school adaptations” in audio books covering the titles studied in class.



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