The Olympic flame passed through Roanne this Saturday, June 22

The Olympic flame passed through Roanne this Saturday, June 22
The Olympic flame passed through Roanne this Saturday, June 22

A major event took place this Saturday June 22 with the passage of the Olympic flame through the streets of Roanne. A look back in pictures at a brief event, but which will mark the minds of the people of Roan.

The population of Roanne had been warned well in advance of the event with, in particular, signs indicating the ban on parking in the streets used by the bearers of the Olympic flame. So they responded by massing along the route and even more when the flame arrived, on the brand new Bords de Loire 2 development, near the canal. Back in pictures.

8 h 30 : at the Malleval stadium, members of the adapted sports sections repeat the gestures of the torch relay. (photos above)

8 h 45 : the Olympic flame arrives in Malleval. Once the torch is lit, it is ready to set off on its journey through the Roanne city.

9 hours : exit of the flame from the Malleval stadium

9:10 a.m.: on the banks of the Loire 2 the large crowd can follow the route on a giant screen and enjoy the entertainment while on avenue de Paris the Chervé high school encourages “its” runner.

9:20 a.m.: the flame begins the descent of the Cours de la République.

9:30 a.m. : the flame crosses Place Clémenceau

9 h 40 : the caravan precedes the last bearer of the flame, Loïc Vergnaud.

9:50 a.m. : Loic Vergnaud arrives on the banks of the Loire 2, the final destination of the flame.

A 10 h 10 : the fire passed from the torch to the Olympic flame to ignite Charlieu then Montbrison, Feurs, Saint-Chamond, Firminy and finally Saint-Etienne.

Flame bearers testify:

I knew in January 2024 that I would carry the flame, a month and a half later that it would be in Roanne and ten days ago that I would make the finale. It’s a lot of emotion to carry the Olympic flame in your town with people you know, people close to you. This day will truly remain a very beautiful memory.

Loïc Vergnaud (empty)


The company asked if any of its employees were interested in carrying the Olympic flame. I was lucky to be selected. It’s extraordinary to have the whole crowd applauding while you have the torch in your hands. It’s unforgettable.

Maeva Gachet (left) (Works for Sanofi, partner of the Olympic Games)

I applied in the same way as Maeva. We found out we were torch bearers in January. There is all the waiting until the big day and the pressure that builds. I felt immense pride in representing the values ​​of this flame that I took up at 14 rue Fontenille.

Laurianne Villette (right) (Also works for Sanofi)

I live in the Rhône and my company is a partner of the Olympic Games. I submitted an application based on the values ​​of sport, human and associative values. My application was successful, I found out at the beginning of January. I found out it was in Roanne, 15 days ago. It’s a lot of emotion, because it’s a popular and unifying event, which feels good.

Guillaume Aigouin

The flame was also in the Forez

Christian Verdet

Photos: Georges Burellier, Christian Verdet and Karl Pasquet



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