for Annick Cousin, RN candidate, “today, the right is us”

for Annick Cousin, RN candidate, “today, the right is us”
for Annick Cousin, RN candidate, “today, the right is us”

“What people talk to us about most is purchasing power. » This Friday, June 21, Annick Cousin, her deputy Joël Masson, and his campaign team, are stationed on market day in Sainte-Livrade, rue Nationale, opposite the Le France café… A happy coincidence? “Yes, totally,” says campaign director Dorian Lajunie.

A bit more…

“What people talk to us about most is purchasing power. » This Friday, June 21, Annick Cousin, her deputy Joël Masson, and his campaign team, are stationed on market day in Sainte-Livrade, rue Nationale, opposite the Le France café… A happy coincidence? “Yes, totally,” says campaign director Dorian Lajunie.

A little further down, on the square opposite the Utopia arthouse cinema, Jérôme Cahuzac, alone, shakes hands while activists from the New Popular Front pull away the slightest passerby. On this longest day of the year, three of the candidates for the third constituency chose the Sainte-Livrade market to campaign. The outgoing MP started the morning by facing the cameras of France 3 Aquitaine.

The voters, challenged by the posters stuck on the window of a shop, come to Annick Cousin, without his team having much to do. “This has to stop, all this thugocracy! », says one of them, while explaining the catastrophic financial situation of his farmer-brother-in-law, who barely earns “500 euros per month”.

A Livradaise, her arms full of vegetables, approaches, all smiles. “I will vote for them, so that Jordan [Bardella] be prime minister! », She declares in front of the outgoing MP, without however recognizing her. Annick Cousin then introduces himself, recounting her life before, as a night caregiver in La Candélie who earned 1,300 euros per month. A speech that the activists heard the evening before, during the public meeting organized at the Soubirous room, in Villeneuve-sur-Lot.

MEP in support

She was then not alone on stage, but accompanied by one of the party’s media figures, recently elected MEP, Matthieu Valet. Nearly a hundred people were present in the room, decorated in blue, white and red, right down to the paper tablecloths on the tables intended for the post-meeting buffet.

Annick Cousin, for thirty minutes, then presented her assessment of two years of deputation, undoubtedly seeking to contradict her political adversaries, calling her “mute and useless”. “I was one of the most present deputies in the assembly,” she affirmed, while denying herself voting in a sectarian manner: “If it went in the right direction, even if for us it didn’t go far enough, we voted for it. » Then the candidate unfolded the program that her party intended to put in place, “when we are in power”, immediately eliminating the “if” of the conditional from her vocabulary. “The right today is us,” she chanted, after having mentioned the rallying of Eric Zemmour and Eric Ciotti to the National Rally.

Matthieu Valet took over, recounting his journey as the son of a Spanish immigrant, who became a police officer in the neighborhoods, to then talk about insecurity, garnering, with his punchlines, a lot of applause.



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