The sons of Nathalie Goutorbe, collaborator of Yves Nicolin, ask that “her last wishes be respected”

Silence and absence at the funeral of the deceased are requested from several elected officials and collaborators of the mayor of Roanne by his own sons.

The sudden death of Nathalie Goutorbe, parliamentary assistant and then chief of staff to Yves Nicolin, mayor of Roanne and president of Roannais Agglomération, caused a lot of emotion in the Roannais region, particularly among elected officials where this faithful collaborator had worked since several decades.

As word spread quickly in the Roanne region, Nathalie Goutorbe killed herself at her home in Saint-Jean-Saint-Maurice, where her body was found on Wednesday June 19 during the day. The day before, she had already threatened to do the irreparable. The firefighters intervened at the end of the day at the town hall of Roanne, but did not find her there and were assured that she had returned to her home.

Public tributes disturbed his two sons

This Friday morning, the two sons of Nathalie Goutorbe, 52 years old, Nathan and Quentin, contacted us following the publication of articles and also posts, in the form of tributes, on the social networks of different personalities from Roannais. Writings that they obviously found very shocking.

“We ask that mom’s memory be respected; the publications we read have no reason to exist and at no time were we consulted. We hear and read false things.”

Yves Nicolin, deputies and collaborators “banned” from funerals

The two sons of the deceased became more specific and relayed what they presented as “our mother’s last wishes”. They ask several elected officials and collaborators close to the town hall of Roanne “not to publish anything about our mother” pointing out, moreover, “that they are not authorized to attend her funeral”.

The people cited are Yves Nicolin, mayor of Roanne and president of Roannais Agglomération, Clotilde Robin, first deputy mayor of Roanne and vice-president of Roannais Agglomération, Lucien Murzi, deputy mayor of Roanne, Cyril Castells and Nicolas Reveret, former members of Yves Nicolin’s cabinet, and the current members of his cabinet.

“Thank you for leaving us alone during this period of mourning,” they conclude.

Strong emotion after the disappearance of Yves Nicolin’s chief of staff

In the current state of the elements in our possession, we are not able to add any other comment or element which could explain the reasons which pushed Nathalie Goutorbe’s entourage to send us this message and to write it in this sense. . We simply had it confirmed that they agreed that an article using their words would be published before their mother’s funeral, scheduled for this Tuesday.

Pierre-Olivier Vérot

An open investigation

Even if the probable cause of Nathalie Goutorbe’s death is indeed suicide, an investigation into the causes of death has been opened by the Roanne Public Prosecutor’s Office. The latter also confirmed to us, this Friday June 21 afternoon, that several letters apparently left by the deceased had been found.



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