three unique artists at Maison-Dieu

three unique artists at Maison-Dieu
three unique artists at Maison-Dieu

These are three artists from very different worlds who exhibited together on Saturday June 15 and Sunday June 16.

This is what we call a pop-up exhibition. Visible only from June 14 to 16, this artistic meeting took place “in the marvelous setting” what is the Maison-Dieu of Châtillon-sur-Thouet, according to the artist Gaston, alias Julien Launay.

Sandrine Roudy for painting, Gaston for sculpture and Johann Baranger for photography responded to the invitation from the commune of Châtillon to present their works.

Photographer, professor and mayor

Johann Baranger, photographer but also school teacher and mayor of the town of Soutiers-Saint-Pardoux, readily admits: “I’m allowing myself an artistic break. Unfortunately, I hardly have the time to devote myself to photography anymore, but choosing the pieces presented today has given me back the desire. » The mayor-artist has also had a photographic collection of Gâtine landscapes since 2005. “Sometimes you just need to look, our countryside is rich and leads to escape. »

Gaston, for his part, knows his co-exhibitor well since he is the mayor of the town where he founded the third place La Fabrik. “It’s fun to see yourself in this context”underlines the sculptor, who has already lived several lives, going from performing artist to metal sculptor during the pandemic. “Today, I am refining my techniques. » Why the nickname Gaston? “I was looking for a nickname related to the material: iron. So I thought of Gaston Defferre. That made me laugh, and I left with that. »

Sandrine Roudy, for her part, is delighted to be able to exhibit “in very good company; we didn’t know each other, but I find that these works, together, are coherent”indicates the painter. “I started as a self-taught artist, but then took classes at the Parthenay School of Fine Arts. » Sandrine Roudy was able to present a series of paintings “more abstract than what I usually offer, which is often crazy and offbeat. This invitation is an opportunity to test things”.



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