The eight candidates are working on mobility in the Haute Vallée de l’Aude

The eight candidates are working on mobility in the Haute Vallée de l’Aude
The eight candidates are working on mobility in the Haute Vallée de l’Aude

the essential
To learn a little more about their ideas and projects, L’Indépendant questioned the eight candidates for the legislative elections in the 3rd constituency on a subject that is essential for the region: mobility. An issue that is particularly controversial in the Haute Vallée, around the question of the Carcassonne-Limoux-Quillan link, but also on accessibility to public transport.

1Dominique Galonnier: “It is capitalism that is destroying the planet”

“While moving around the constituency for this election campaign, I realize the virtual absence of public transport. We see that the timetables are not arranged for people who work. I think that we need to develop these public services. Because mobility problems affect the most precarious workers. When everything increases, salaries should increase. Otherwise, we realize that this mobility problem can be a factor of exclusion. On the subject of environmental protection, I am against the guilt campaign. It is the system that needs to be changed. It is capitalism that is destroying the planet and leaving the consequences to society. For the Carcassonne, Limoux, Quillan railway line, I do not see the point if it is to put a train only in the morning and evening.”

Key ideas: develop public transport, particularly buses, with more regular rotations.

2 Christine Champion: “Favorable for the return of the train”

“In terms of ecology, the Haute Vallée is a very dynamic territory. Of course I am totally in favor of the return of the train between Limoux and Quillan, but on the condition that we deploy shuttles to Chalabre, Puivert…

But transport problems also affect larger cities: if you live in the centre of Limoux, going to do your shopping without a car is complicated. A pool of cars available or a shuttle system should be created.

In this district, mobility is based on multimodal hubs that must be developed, so that we can connect the Haute Vallée to Paris easily and in an ecological manner. But this can only be done through consultation, it is up to us to create commissions, to promote collective intelligence to find suitable solutions.”

Key ideas: better equip carpooling areas, have a bus stop per village, use digital technology to centralize needs.

3 Philippe Andrieu: “A question of multimodalities”

“This very heterogeneous constituency is based on three axes: the RD 6113, the A 61 and the RD118. But beyond that, there is a whole network of branches that we can improve, provided that we give the means to the various local authorities within the framework of their skills.

The aim is to reduce the volume of vehicles in circulation, in particular by developing public transport that is as low-carbon as possible.

It’s all a question of multimodality, between road, car and rail, particularly around the Carcassonne-Quillan axis where the train line is the backbone of the Haute Vallée. From there, we can develop car-sharing and carpooling, encourage soft mobility… but in a concerted way, by listening to users. “

Key ideas: preferential rates for public transport, increase subsidies for the Region and the Department, develop green aircraft.

4 Bernard Bianco: “Cars are essential in certain areas”

“We are well aware of the problems connecting Quillan to Limoux then to Carcassonne or Castelnaudary. But we must also not forget the whole part between Bugarach and Quillan for example, which is not at all obvious. In this area it is There are roads which for 10 kilometers are not passable by buses and we cannot ban these users for ecological reasons.

What I mean is that cars are essential in these areas of the constituency. Of course there are practices such as carpooling or car sharing that must be encouraged. This is done in big cities, why not here? But we sometimes have different work schedules, which is not always easy.

We will defend the greenest project possible, but above all the most practical for the residents of the 3rd district.”

Key ideas: free public transport, encouraging teleworking, developing freight between the Toulouse market-station and Perpignan.

5 Julien Rancoule: “The priority: the price of fuel”

“In terms of mobility, the priority must be the price of fuel. In rural areas, we need motor vehicles and paying 2 euros per litre is becoming untenable. VAT and energy taxes must be reduced. We are also opposed to the upcoming ban on thermal vehicles, which would be a fatal blow for the middle and working classes. We must encourage good initiatives such as carpooling.

Concerning the Limoux-Quillan connection, I have no more news from Mr. Montebourg nor from the Region regarding their Ferromobile project. For my part, I would like us to be able to submit three concrete, costed projects to residents with impact studies and for them to choose by referendum the one that suits them best. For the moment that of the Voie Verte seems the most successful.”

Key ideas: return of the Carcassonne-Paris air link, improve school transport by establishing a stop in each village.

6Sylvie Sorel-Lestin: “I will support all mobility stakeholders”

“The residents of our rural communities need to resort to practical solutions. The offer is insufficient and the lack of mobility tools often slows down access to employment for many of our fellow citizens. A large number of solutions exist already But I will support all mobility stakeholders to obtain funding to ‘green’ and increase existing solutions. Furthermore, I support the ALF which is working to rehabilitate the Quillan-Limoux line. points which prevented this reopening in order to move the file forward The current greenway remains a place for family, tourist walks and cannot meet the needs of users. I will work with the AF3V association on the development and feasibility of road bikes. and greenways I will support in the National Assembly all the proposals that emerge from the studies and discussions on the subject of mobility with the actors on the ground. Free transport for all seems demagogic to me but a variation in prices can be considered. . Rail freight can only be considered by studying the needs of producers.”

Key ideas: put together support files to develop electric vehicle fleets in municipalities without bus service.

7 Nathalie Marteel: “Tackling the big polluters”

“With the increase in fuel prices, mobility is a concern for many citizens. And the scarcity of public services and the disappearance of public transport are not helping the situation.

The various existing projects (notably the development of cycle paths) are of very little benefit to the Aude population, which is a population whose average age is much higher than in the rest of France. Seriously, can we consider cycling 25 km to go to work, doing our whole day’s work and then cycling 25 km again to get home in the evening?

I believe that before attacking individuals, we must first attack the biggest polluters like China and the United States. I am against the punitive ecology that some political parties are putting in place by creating an end-of-the-world atmosphere.”

Key ideas: return of the train between Limoux and Quillan, consultation on train times and frequency.

8 Jean-François Leclerc: “Returning the railway line to service is unreasonable”

“In rural areas, we don’t need our cars to get around. I’m a little skeptical about electric cars which have an environmental cost with the extraction of rare earths. And then the Chinese are already ahead of the curve. we. I think that we should not do without thermal cars overnight, especially since progress has been made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, I think that we must. develop public transport. When I see the old buses that are used, let’s invest in new vehicles, which carry fewer passengers, but with more rotation frequency, and which pollute much less. -Quillan, I would have liked to see it maintained, but with €75 million to put it back into service, it’s unreasonable. I also think so in the Haute Vallée. of Aude we found attractiveness, fewer people would travel to Carcassonne.”

Key ideas: invest in newer buses, which pollute less.



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