Beaune – Place Madeleine will move to the blue zone at the start of the holidays

The requalification work on Place Madeleine and Faubourg Madeleine in Beaune is now complete. The installation of the lighting poles and the planting with containers for flowers and ball trees will soon be finalized. The main objective is for pedestrians to reclaim this space by creating a stroll around the square.
The automobile traffic lane has been completely redone to ensure continuity between Place Malmedy and the Carrefour, rue d’Alsace. The road surface will be shot-blasted between July 1 and 5 in small sections to avoid cutting off traffic, thus giving the road a less gloomy appearance. This operation will create differentiated spaces by graying the coating.

A new blue zone to promote commercial life
The method of parking on the square will be changed with the introduction of a blue zone at the start of the summer holidays. in order to avoid buffer cars on this square dedicated above all to commercial life », explained the Mayor, Alain Suguenot, during a press point this Thursday morning, in the presence of Jean-Luc Becquet, deputy in charge of the living environment, public space, roads and cleanliness, gentle circulation and sustainable development. As the square is often used as an outlet from the station’s paid parking lot, this new blue zone will allow free parking for three hours. Appropriate signage will soon be installed at the entrance to the car park.

New facilities and projects
On the left side, near the “Le Béléna” restaurant, removable terminals will be installed and controlled by badges allocated to merchants for deliveries. On the right side, towards the Barbizier, a Limited Traffic Zone (ZTL) experiment will be set up within six months, reserving access for local residents, buses and emergency services. This lane will be controlled by reading license plates via a camera, and unregistered vehicles will be fined €135. “ This limited traffic zone will serve as a prototype for the city center and thus avoid pedestrianization », Specified the Mayor, with a projected reduction of one third within three years.

Parking solutions and soft mobility
To respond to parking problems, the Mayor recalled the existence of numerous free parking lots, such as the one behind the cinema or Bretonnière, as well as the relay parking lots near the motorway which benefit from an electric shuttle every half hour connecting the station. The city is also developing cycle paths to encourage soft mobility.
This redevelopment work, started last November, cost a total of one million euros with the aim of improving the quality of life of residents and visitors, ensuring better safety for pedestrians, reducing automobile speed and to restore the shine to this shopping district.

Jeannette Monarchi



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