Vézelay enters the Hospices de Beaune estate

Vézelay enters the Hospices de Beaune estate
Vézelay enters the Hospices de Beaune estate

The winegrower Daniel Moiron donated around twenty acres to the Hospices de Beaune estate. Vézelay and the land of Marie-Madeleine are therefore making their grand entrance into the Beaune institution, which is asserting itself more than ever as the domain of great Burgundy.

The plot concerned, not planted at the moment, is located a few kilometers east of Vézelay and its basilica, in the town of Tharoiseau. © Michel Joly

The Hospices de Beaune estate is the guardian of a treasure: 60 hectares of vines stretching from the Mâconnais to Chablis, inevitably passing through the jewels of the Côtes de Beaune and Nuits, 85% of premiers crus and grands crus, pampered by around twenty winegrowers-goldsmiths under the direction of manager Ludivine Griveau-Gemma, harvests which last a good two weeks, organic certification from the 2024 vintage…

This incredible heritage has just been enriched with a plot of 22.42 acres classified as AOC Vézelay, as the mayor of Beaune Alain Suguenot suggested in our columns, excited by this highly symbolic prospect. Located in the commune of Tharoiseau, this plot of land as large as half a football field was bequeathed by Daniel Moiron and his family. A tireless defender of the Vézel vineyards, the winegrower was one of the pillars of the official recognition, in 2017, of the 44e AOC “village” of Burgundy.

A plot to plant

The plot in question is still just a meadow, “ soil preparation work should begin in the fall. Planting should follow shortly, in chardonnay », Explains, gratefully, the hospital institution in a press release, this Thursday, June 20, while rejoicing “ of this project which still perpetuates the spirit of its founders ».

This act has all the more meaning and value here, in the shadow of the Mary Magdalene basilica. He is part of a very long line of benefactors of the Hospices Civils de Beaune, whose first wine donations date back to the 15th century.e century.

From now on, everything remains to be done for Ludivine Griveau-Gemma’s team. The manager will no doubt remember fond memories of the donation, in 2015, from the emblematic Chablis winemaker Jean-Marc Brocard, which allowed the Beaune domain to cover Burgundy from north to south. And fans of hospital vintages can enjoy themselves, always for a good cause!



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