Racist tags on the construction site of a mosque in Montauban

In France, a mosque under construction was the target of a racist act. Racist inscriptions such as “Dirty bougnoules” and “Go home” as well as swastikas were sprayed on the mosque under construction in Montauban, in the south of France. They were discovered on Tuesday June 18, 2024.

Workers on the construction site of the Montauban mosque, not far from Toulouse, discovered racist tags on the walls of the future place of worship on Tuesday. The construction workers discovered drawings of swastikas at the entrance to the building under construction as well as messages such as “dirty bugnoules” and “go home”, Mohamed Hajji, president of the Association, told AFP on Wednesday. Muslim from Montauban.

The images of the tags were relayed on the social network X (former Twitter) by the departmental branch of the French Communist Party (PCF). “Total support for our fellow Montalbanese Muslims! The extreme right is not yet in power and its thugs already believe they have everything allowed,” denounces this party which is taking advantage of the opportunity to launch a call for a vote in favor of the New Popular Front.

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The construction site of the Montauban mosque already targeted for 2022

For her part, Brigitte Barèges, Les Républicains mayor of Montauban and candidate for the legislative elections, declared on X that she condemned “with the greatest firmness these intolerable registrations”. While these tags were erased by the town hall services, a report was made to the police. “I would like to reassure the Muslim community of my total disagreement with these events,” adds the city’s mayor.

According to France Bleu, this is not the first time that the Montauban mosque construction site has been targeted. Almost two years ago, in August 2022, two pig’s heads were placed at the entrance to the site. Furthermore, the Muslim Association of Montauban which manages this future place of worship did not file a complaint, but reported the facts to the police, AFP learned from the local Muslim community.



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