the presidential majority announces not to nominate a candidate against François Hollande in Corrèze

the presidential majority announces not to nominate a candidate against François Hollande in Corrèze
the presidential majority announces not to nominate a candidate against François Hollande in Corrèze

The majority pleaded for “respect for [son] former position”. The former President of the Republic announced on Saturday that he was running as a candidate in Corrèze for the legislative elections.

The presidential majority announces that it will not nominate a candidate against François Hollande in Corrèze for the legislative elections, BFMTV learned from consistent sources this Sunday, June 16. The majority pleads for “respect for [son] old function”.

“Our only criterion for nomination is to be the useful vote in the first round. In all the constituencies where we are not able to do so, we do not have a candidate. François Hollande remains an LFI and allied candidate which we do not support”, indicated a participant in the meeting organized by Emmanuel Macron to BFMTV.

The former President of the Republic announced on Saturday that he was running as a candidate in Corrèze for the legislative elections. It was invested by the departmental federation of the Socialist Party as part of the New Popular Front.

During a press conference, François Hollande spoke of an “unprecedented” decision because the “situation is serious” with the prospect of a victory for the National Rally.

“If I made this decision, it is because I felt that the situation was serious, more than it has ever been. Serious because the danger represented by the extreme right is today “Never has the extreme right been so close to power since the Liberation,” he told the press in his stronghold of Tulle.

Léopold Audebert with Charlotte Lesage

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