a 2024 edition full of promise

a 2024 edition full of promise
a 2024 edition full of promise

The City of Epinal has been offering free concerts and shows open to all for 22 years. Since 2002, tens of thousands of people of all ages and from all backgrounds have been able to applaud a thousand recognized or emerging musicians (including some for whom the Spinal scene has been a springboard) thanks to the Épinal bougie l festival. ‘summer.

Sugaray Rayford, Ben Toury, Les Blérots de Ravel, Fred Chapellier, Les Fatals Picards, Pigalle, Ange… We all remember great moments of sharing on a crowded Vosges square. So many memories also shared with family or not in the castle park.

But there is no question of living only with the past. The chief magistrate Patrick Nardin and the city’s festival manager Isabelle Sartori were pleased to unveil the program for the 23e edition of Epinal is moving summer which will begin on July 5 and end on August 16.

A collective to launch the festivities

It should start very strongly with Le Grôs Tour, a collective of song artists. A slightly crazy project carried by ten musicians and as many voices who have in common being natives of the Grand Est and addicted to festive songs. Les Garçons Trottoirs, David Vincent, Alex Toucourt, La P’tite Sœur, La Casa Bancale and others, it definitely speaks to you. Well, Le Grôs Tour is a joyful melting pot of these talents and their pieces rearranged for the occasion!

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Tantalizing! Just like the rest of the program. The following Friday evening, we will meet at the Louvière auditorium whatever the weather, for a dance concert in solidarity with Ukraine, Slava Ukraïni.

On July 17, Isabelle Sartori promises an exceptional discovery, that of the progressive rock of the group Lazuli which enjoys a great reputation, but has never yet performed in the region.

Quality and diversity

The following week, we will change register with the disconcerting “Balacoustik” from Grandes Bouches. Will follow, in order and each time on Friday at 8:30 p.m.: the French jazz-swing-song of Ôde de Mon Chéri, the blues rock of Red Beans & Peppers Sauce carried by the voice of Jessyka Aké, then finally the famous Fred Chapellier in Octet mode.

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We should especially not forget the Wednesday afternoon meetings in the enchanting setting of the castle pavilion. Quality and diversity are also essential here with shows for all audiences and therefore not just for kids.



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