Vosges. Emergency doctor in Epinal and YouTuber, “Doc FX” talks about his profession in a book

Vosges. Emergency doctor in Epinal and YouTuber, “Doc FX” talks about his profession in a book
Vosges. Emergency doctor in Epinal and YouTuber, “Doc FX” talks about his profession in a book

After his YouTube channel, Doctor François-Xavier Moronval launched into literature. An emergency doctor at the Epinal hospital, he released his first book where he talks about his job and a little about his life.

“The publisher wanted to make a book that was not a political book focused on hospital issues or what to do in an emergency. It’s about witnessing the profession, immersion in everyday life,” explains Doctor Moronval.

The latter did not tackle the task alone, the work is the result of interviews with journalist Soline Roy transcribed in the first person. The emergency doctor describes his desire to become a doctor despite his phobia of blood and how he was able to get past a day in the emergency room and how they work… A diverse work where anecdotes and explanatory squares intertwine to define the many medical terms employees.

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“The goal was not to make a care bear book”

A dive full of information on what an emergency service is today with its ups and downs (lack of staff, places, fatigue, etc.). “The goal was not to write a teddy bear book, I am happy in what I do, but I can see that there are problems around, I am not blind,” summarizes the emergency doctor.

As for whether he intends to repeat the experience: “We’ll see, this was a first, for now I’ve said everything I had to say. »

Françoix-Xavier Moronval will be signing at the Quai des mots bookstore in Épinal on June 27 at 5:30 p.m. Emergency profession Stock editions, €19.90.



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