Gérard Larcher and Bruno Retailleau support Patrick Dray’s candidacy in Paris

Gérard Larcher and Bruno Retailleau support Patrick Dray’s candidacy in Paris
Gérard Larcher and Bruno Retailleau support Patrick Dray’s candidacy in Paris

Tuesday evening, during a public meeting organized in the 14th constituency, the two figures of the senatorial right praised the career of a “man of convictions”, faithful collaborator of the President of the Senate.

A political ambition supported by two figures from the right. Tuesday evening in Paris, during a public meeting organized at the Jean de La Fontaine school in the 16th arrondissement, Gérard Larcher and Bruno Retailleau provided strong support for Patrick Dray.

«I decided to get involved because France has never been faced with such dangers», declared the campaign candidate launched under the colors of the Republicans in the 14th constituency of Paris, facing seven rivals in the 1st round: the outgoing deputy Benjamin Haddad (presidential majority), Hugo Rota (New Popular Front), Louis Piquet ( LR-RN), Éric Molinari (Various center), Marie Bourdy (Far left), Sacha Élie Zaouati (Far left) and Thomas Culerrier (Reconquest!). We remember that the name of Patrick Dray had been mentioned for a place in seventh position on the LR list for the Europeans, led by François-Xavier Bellamy but the project did not come to fruition.

In this territory of the 14th constituency where the former President of the Republic Nicolas Sarkozy resides, the candidate wants to believe in the chances of “republican and independent right». «With my political family, The Republicans, we have chosen the line of courage, refusal of any compromise, backroom arrangements for a few electoral constituencies”declared this faithful collaborator of the President of the Senate, referring to the current situation of the LR, strongly shaken since the alliance forged by their president Éric Ciotti with Marine Le Pen.

While the main figures of the party have condemned this choice and a legal battle is underway to exclude President Ciotti from the Republicans, Patrick Dray has in turn defended the “line of fidelity to a story» and to «principles“. He emphasized the fact that he was both “the heir” and the “guarantee» of this school of thought in front of a crowd of LR elected officials, including the mayors of the 16th and 17th arrondissements, Jérémy Redler and Geoffroy Boulard or even Francis Szpiner, Catherine Dumas, Marie-Claire Carrère Gée, Agnès Evren and her deputy Laure Ansquer.

For Bruno Retailleau, president of the LR group in the Senate, supporting the candidacy of Patrick Dray in these legislative elections was “obvious”. “For 10 years we have worked hard together, alongside Gérard Larcher, to put the Senate back at the heart of public debate. We succeeded in this challenge“, rejoices the senator of Vendée to the Figaro. «Todayhe continues, we need right-wing deputies in the National Assembly who will carry our colors and our convictions on a line of autonomy and independence».

Larcher’s reproaches to Macron

For his part, Gérard Larcher began by drawing up a picture of the political situation in the country following the dissolution of the National Assembly decided by the President of the Republic. Fearing a “structural regime crisis» in the coming months, the President of the Senate denounced a “brutal choice» and a “poker move” which “interrogates” on the “sense of responsibility» from the head of state. “I feel that from now on, many French people, concretely, can no longer stand it“, he declared, accusing her of “locking yourself into a duel with the extremes».

Then Gérard Larcher also attacked the Left Front, describing this political union as “front of shame“For him, the economic perspectives defended by the New Popular Front would be synonymous with “financial collapse» and “chaos”. As for the National Rally, the senator said he refused “any compromise» with the party of Marine Le Pen, carrying according to him a “catalog of populist and unachievable measures“. So many reasons for Gérard Larcher to meditate on a thought from Charles Péguy, recalled as a warning: “The triumph of demagoguery is fleeting but the ruins are eternal».

Defender of aanother way» to trace with “an autonomous right and center”, the parliamentarian expressed his confidence in Patrick Dray to play him. “I am convinced, he stressed, that his experience in the Senate, his perfect knowledge of parliamentary debates, the finesse of his analyzes and his deeply republican attachment to the historical values ​​of the right, are precious assets at the heart of the deputy mandate».

Behind the praise, everyone understood on Tuesday evening that there was also the expression of friendship for a man with whom Gérard Larcher will have gone through many political battles. A candidacy that he wanted to finally defend as that of “startle” and some “raison».



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