Currently at half price, this set of 2 Emma Premium pillows is a hit

Currently at half price, this set of 2 Emma Premium pillows is a hit
Currently at half price, this set of 2 Emma Premium pillows is a hit

Right now, the set of two Nuage Premium pillows is priced at 150 euros instead of 299.98 euros, i.e. 50% reduction. You save 150 euros and you can pay in three or four installments free of charge, if that suits you. Simply request it when placing your order. To take advantage of this good deal in complete safety, simply click on “Add to cart” and follow the instructions displayed on the screen. Delivery times range between 5 and 10 working days and you benefit from a 30-night free trial with Emma. This means you can test the comfort of the pillows for a month. At the end of this period of time, Emma will take them back from you free of charge if you are ultimately not convinced. Finally, the pillows come with a 2-year warranty.

The Nuage Premium pillow, the guarantee of a successful sleep

This set of two Nuage Premium pillows at 50% off is a good deal that would be a shame to miss. Ranked among Emma’s bestsellers, the Nuage Premium pillow is ideal for sleepers who like to stay cool during the night. It includes innovative Outlast technology, which provides an incredible feeling of freshness, while wicking away all the moisture linked to perspiration. Additionally, you can adjust the thickness of the pillow by removing or adding removable layers. You therefore have the choice between several levels of softness and firmness. This pillow also includes a padded cover, made with micro-elastic materials, particularly soft to the touch. Finally, it is a pillow that adapts to all sleeping positions and all body types.

Click here to take advantage of the Emma offer on two Nuage Premium pillows

Emma’s innovative Outlast® technology gives you an instant feeling of freshness as soon as your head hits the pillow. And it stays fresh all night.



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