Legislative elections 2024: The RN and the Popular Front in force, the return of Cahuzac… Who are the candidates in Lot-et-Garonne?

Legislative elections 2024: The RN and the Popular Front in force, the return of Cahuzac… Who are the candidates in Lot-et-Garonne?
Legislative elections 2024: The RN and the Popular Front in force, the return of Cahuzac… Who are the candidates in Lot-et-Garonne?

the essential
The Lot-et-Garonne prefecture has unveiled the provisional list of candidates for the next legislative elections.

Since this Sunday, we have had a more precise idea of ​​the candidates running for the next legislative elections in Lot-et-Garonne. The final list will be known this Monday, June 17. There will be fourteen people, spread over the three constituencies of the 47, to run for a deputy position.

Only three parties have three candidates

There will be five pairs in two districts: the 1st and the 3rd. The 2nd will only have four. Only the National Rally (RN), the New Popular Front and Lutte Ouvrière have nominated candidates in the three constituencies. Renaissance is only present in the 1st (Agen-Nérac) and the 2nd (Marmande). And the Republicans will only have one representative: Guillaume Lepers, who is running on the 3rd (Villeneuve-Fumel). The RN is the only party to have presented exactly the same candidates as during the last legislative elections.

For the first constituency, we find the outgoing deputy Michel Lauzzana, representing the presidential majority, and his opponent in the second round of the 2022 legislative elections: the National Rally candidate Sébastien Delbosq. For the political movement to unite the left, it was the ecologist Paul Vo Van who was chosen to lead the New Popular Front. Two other candidates will join the battle at the polls: Patrice Cuquel and Mohamed El Marbati (Workers’ Struggle).

In the 2nd constituency, voters in Marmandais will have the choice between outgoing MP Hélène Laporte, representing the RN; a candidate from Renaissance Jean-Marie Lenzi; a candidate from the New Popular Front, the socialist Christophe Courregelongue; and another candidate from Lutte Ouvrière: Nathalie Lambolez.

Cahuzac, the spoilsport in the 3rd district?

Finally, for the 3rd district, we note a return, and not the least: that of Jérôme Cahuzac. The former Minister of the Budget of François Hollande, also former deputy mayor of Villeneuve-sur-Lot, served his five years of ineligibility following his conviction to two years in prison in 2018 for tax fraud and money laundering of tax fraud. His return to politics has been anticipated in recent weeks, with several official outings.

Today, he wants to recover the seat in the National Assembly from Annick Cousin, the outgoing member of the National Rally. In this constituency, there will, in fact, be no majority candidates. It is Guillaume Lepers, the current chief magistrate of Villeneuve-sur-Lot invested by Les Républicains, who will have the unofficial support of the presidential party. The town councilor will be the only LR candidate in Lot-et-Garonne. Finally, the New Popular Front decided to invest Xavier Czapla, representing France Insoumise (LFI). To finish, there will be one last candidate: Bernadette Gasc from Lutte Ouvrière.

Jérôme Cahuzac’s candidacy does not suit either the right or the left. The former minister maintained a certain popularity in the territory and siphoned off votes from Lepers and Czapla. Enough to advance to the second round? Response Sunday June 30.

The provisional list of candidates in Lot-et-Garonne

  • 1st constituency (Agen-Nérac):

Patrice Cuquel – Jeanine Cazes; Mohamed El Marbati – Isabelle Farno (Workers’ Struggle); Paul Vo Van – Colette Duynslaeger (New Popular Front); Sébastien Delbosq – Fabrice Renard (National Rally); Michel Lauzzana – Chantal Borderie (Renaissance).

  • 2nd constituency (Marmande):

Christophe Courregelongue – Maud Caruhel (New Popular Front); Jean-Marie Lenzi – Patricia Edmond-Samuel (Renaissance); Hélène Laporte – Romain Chaumeil (National Rally); Nathalie Lambolez – Monique Le Hir (Workers’ struggle).

  • 3rd constituency (Villeneuve-Fumel):

Annick Cousin – Joël Masson (National Rally); Guillaume Lepers – Emelyne Rey (Les Républicains); Jérôme Cahuzac – Sophie Gargowitsch; Xavier Czapla – Carole Binois-Fiegel (New Popular Front); Bernadette Gasc – Patrick Gil (Workers’ struggle).



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