suffering from cancer, outgoing MP Marc Le Fur leaves the candidacy to his son

suffering from cancer, outgoing MP Marc Le Fur leaves the candidacy to his son
suffering from cancer, outgoing MP Marc Le Fur leaves the candidacy to his son

The outgoing deputy for Côtes-d’Armor, Marc Le Fur (LR), announced this Thursday, June 13, that he would not run for a 7th term. He believes he can no longer give “200%” in political life.

“A page is turned and a new one is to be written.” This Thursday, June 13, outgoing MP Marc Le Fur, a member of Les Républicains, announces that he will not run for a 7th term in his Côtes-d’Armor constituency.

The politician explains to Ouest-France that he cannot assume his role due to his state of health, even though he suffers from cancer. He is currently undergoing radiotherapy treatment.

“I fear that I will no longer be able to give 200% to the political fight, as I have been doing for thirty years,” he said.

A committed family

Voters will still be able to vote for a Le Fur on June 30. Corentin Le Fur, the son of the former parliamentarian, is a candidate for his succession. He was knighted by his father. “Everyone has the freedom to think what they want (…) I am personally convinced that he is made for that,” commented the father.

The 34-year-old candidate comes from HEC, and also studied at the training center for journalists (CFJ) in Paris. As Marc Le Fur explains, his mission will be arduous, he fearing “very difficult times” after the election of the next legislature. Especially since his camp, Les Républicains, is in full turmoil.

“I remain faithful to the tradition of independence of the Gaullist party and consider that we must carry with courage and determination our values ​​and our desire to restore the country”, explained Marc Le Fur in a press release, breaking with Eric’s line Ciotti.

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