Death of Sulivan. Burnt cars, injured police officers… A night of violence in Cherbourg

Death of Sulivan. Burnt cars, injured police officers… A night of violence in Cherbourg
Death of Sulivan. Burnt cars, injured police officers… A night of violence in Cherbourg


Editorial La Presse de la Manche

Published on

June 16, 2024 at 7:52 a.m.
; updated June 16, 2024 at 7:55 a.m.

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Very eventful night in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin (Manche).

This Sunday June 16, 2024between midnight and 3:30 a.m., several dozen people started protests localized fires in the Provinces district. ” These malicious acts aimed to attack the security forces and the rescue services; mortar fire was directed against them, at the height of the station », Reports the Manche prefecture.

More than 70 police and gendarmes mobilized

According to state servicesof the significant damage were committed against a France Travail agency during these incidents about fifteen Light vehicles were also set on fire.

In this context, more than 70 police officers and gendarmeswere mobilized during the night, to allow around thirty firefighters to intervene and also to challenge the authors of these “disturbance of public order” .

“The residents are the first victims”

Two troublemakers were arrested. ” THE departmental operational center was activated under the authority of the prefect for coordinate all operations », Further specifies the prefecture. The human toll shows three injuredamong the police. The Manche prefecture emphasizes: “The inhabitants are the first victimsdeath damage to propertyand to public facilities“.

For his part, prefect Xavier Brunetière “strongly condemns these acts of violence and vandalism”. “He salutes the commitment and professionalism of the officials of the national police, the soldiers of the national gendarmerie and the firefighters mobilized last night. »

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Family calls for calm

These clashes follow the death of Sulivan, on the night of June 9 to 10 in Octeville, a 19-year-old young man killed by the shooting of a policewoman while he was a passenger in a stolen car when police forces the order prosecuted her for excessive speed.

The following night had already been a bit eventful in the Provinces district.

On Wednesday, a white march was organized, bringing together a thousand people for “the neighborhood’s little brother”. And this Saturday, a rally took place in front of the court, at the initiative of the family, to demand that the police officer behind the fatal shooting be incarcerated. Around 500 people responded.

Sulivan’s family reacted quickly last night on their Instagram account @sulivansauvey1203. In the story, she asks: “Please stop doing anything. People need their materials. We didn’t ask for this, we asked for calm and peace.”

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