Canal: in Meilhan, the Tersac bridge is to be demolished, we know a little more

Canal: in Meilhan, the Tersac bridge is to be demolished, we know a little more
Canal: in Meilhan, the Tersac bridge is to be demolished, we know a little more


Lucie Vigué

Published on

June 16, 2024 at 8:04 a.m.

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We know a little more about the fate of the Tersac bridge in Meilhan-sur-Garonne (Lot-et-Garonne). Since February 2024, the area is cordoned off, navigation, circulation and walking, after a tree fell on the structure. On this side, we know a little more, but it will take time… We take stock, in the month of June 2024.

The file is complex, it concerns several entities: Garonne Valley for roads; VNF for channel; Veolia and Enedis for networks. The first work which will have to be carried out will cost a little less than €350,000, to demolish the structure weighing more than 150 tonnes. Explanations.

The fall of a plane tree

It all started on February 22. The bad weather had a serious consequence : a plane tree collapsed on the Tersac bridge. The latter, 36.7 m long and 4.7 m wide, allows you to cross the canal for pedestrians and vehicles, but also two power lines and a water network. Technical studies have been carried out and the result is clear.

Faced with the risk of collapse, all traffic, on and under the bridge, is prohibited, penalizing in particular river tourism which should be in full swing at this time of the year. As for the bridge, it is not repairableit must be demolished before rebuilding it.

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Val de Garonne Agglomération chose the most appropriate option in terms of safety and deadlines. The cost is estimated at €343,000 including tax.

It will first be necessary to empty the canal on this part, install a carpet to protect the bottom before delicately demolishing the structure by letting the debris fall onto the carpet. We must now see what the insurance of VNF (who owned the tree that fell) provides as compensation.

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