Major police operation for a suspicious car containing… olive oil

A wind of panic blew through the 9th arrondissement of Paris on Saturday. The police intervened around midday on Milton Street after the discovery of a car containing what appeared to be jerrycans of gasoline. The witness who alerted them even assured them that he had heard, from his balcony, a man shouting “Allahu akbar”.

In the suspect Citroën Picasso, officials actually discovered around ten cellophane containers as well as inscriptions in Arabic. The matter was immediately taken seriously, the vehicle being parked near a nursery school which was organizing a fair that day.

The witness changes version

The participants were then confined and a large security perimeter set up by the authorities. Teams from the dog brigade and the central laboratory of the Paris police headquarters were sent to the scene.

The police quickly identified the owner of the car who lives in the neighborhood. According to our information, the man was very “cooperative” with the agents who went to his home. Presenting his passport, he explained to them that he had just returned from abroad and that he had brought back… a large quantity of olive oil. This was confirmed by analyzes carried out urgently by experts from the central laboratory.

Reheard by investigators, the witness who said he heard “Allahu akbar” changed his version a little. If he heard it, perhaps it was Friday evening, during the Fête de la Musique, and not Saturday noon. The security system was lifted around 1:25 p.m. “There is no affair,” confides a source close to the matter.



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