Montpellier. Sport and health: what does the IN’Pulse Tour bus that stops at Antigone offer?

Montpellier. Sport and health: what does the IN’Pulse Tour bus that stops at Antigone offer?
Montpellier. Sport and health: what does the IN’Pulse Tour bus that stops at Antigone offer?


Metropolitan Editorial

Published on

June 24, 2024 at 1:25 p.m.

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The sport which promotes good health is an incredible vector of cohesion and emancipation. And he will be at home Montpellier, this Tuesday June 25, 2024, with theIN’Pulse Tour, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the Esplanade de l’Europe, in the Antigone district. On May 13, it already hosted the celebration site for the Paris 2024 Olympic Flame Relay.

What is the IN’Pulse Tour? It is a national campaign to raise awareness of physical exercise as a prevention and health tool. Organized under the patronage of the Ministry of Prevention, in collaboration with the City and Metropolis of Montpellier, the Hérault Health Insurance, theRegional health agency -ARS– Occitanie and the Maison Sport Santé of the Ma Vie association, the Montpellier stage will bring together numerous institutional players: CCAS of Montpellier, Montpellier Cancer InstituteMutualité Française, Malakoff Humanis, Agirc-Arrco or associations: MUC Sport santé, table tennis or kayak clubs of Montpellier in the region, for a free day open to all, placed under the sign of movement.

The IN’Pulse Tour is a bus specially transformed into a traveling room of adapted physical activity, which this year travels the country in 24 stages. With a stop in Montpellier. Its objective is to promote the benefits of regular physical activity to a wide audience, by offering adapted physical activity sessions, led by professionals.

The Ma.P here

Day Ma.P, l’mobile health prevention unit from the city of Montpellier will also be present to complete the system. Free fitness assessments and numerous physical activities suitable for everyone will be offered throughout the day, highlighting the importance of sport for health: reflex tests, bike smoothies, introductions to table tennis (2:30 p.m.) or health kayaking (2:30 p.m. and 4 p.m.), zumba demonstrations (10:30 a.m.), “training bag” workshop (11:30 a.m.), interactive games and even cardiometabolic and cardiovascular risk assessment tests.

Videos: currently on -

Each activity is designed to promote physical and mental well-being, accessible to all fitness levels, with a particular focus on maintaining independence and preventing falls.

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