who are the candidates in Dordogne?

who are the candidates in Dordogne?
who are the candidates in Dordogne?

In Dordogne, as everywhere, the countdown is on with the sights set on Sunday June 16, the deadline for submitting candidates for the legislative elections on June 30 and July 7. “Sud Ouest” takes stock of the candidates invested or about to be invested in the four constituencies.

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1D constituency

In the Isle valley and Périgueux, the outgoing MP, LFI Pascale Martin, was re-elected by her party. On the side of the presidential majority, it is the Renaissance party which is put forward with Clément Tonon, who should therefore be invested. At the start of the week, it was Ambroise Williams, already a candidate in 2022, who held the rope for the RN. Lutte Ouvrière (LO) presents its local spokesperson, Jonathan Almosnino. For the moment, the LR and Reconquête are in internal meetings.

2e constituency

In Bergeracois, the outgoing RN deputy, Serge Muller, is reappointed by his party. The popular front has not yet weighed the constituency in order to know which party will represent it, and therefore which candidate. The Presidential Majority will be represented by an early Macronist: Michel Delpon, who was an LREM deputy from 2017 to 2022. Here too Reconquête and LR have not ruled, unlike LO which aligns Lise Khelfaoui.

3e constituency

In Périgord Vert, the outgoing Jean-Pierre Cubertafon was invested by the MoDem, under whose banner he will defend the presidential majority. On the popular front side, the constituency has not yet been put through the sieve of national negotiations. On the RN side, it is its departmental referent, regional councilor Florence Joubert, who should prevail. As for the other constituencies in the Dordogne, LR and Reconquête have not yet ruled. LO will send Jacques Decoupy.

4e constituency



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