Mont-de-Marsan. Students from Victor-Duruy will go to Auschwitz in 2025, a prize pool still open

Mont-de-Marsan. Students from Victor-Duruy will go to Auschwitz in 2025, a prize pool still open
Mont-de-Marsan. Students from Victor-Duruy will go to Auschwitz in 2025, a prize pool still open


Sébastien Comet

Published on

June 6, 2024 at 11:39 a.m.
; updated June 6, 2024 at 11:40 a.m.

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“So as not to forget the horrors, 80 years later”, it is with this sentence that students from the Lycée Victor-Duruy in Mont-de-Marsan invite everyone to help them carry out a “traveling memorial journey, from Berlin to Krakow or Auschwitz” in 2025. To reduce the cost of this trip for families, a prize pool has been opened a few weeks ago.

In connection with the Landes

This initiative, supported in particular by Cyril Delmas-Marsalethistory teacher and president of the Landes Pedagogical Center for Resistance and Deportation will be aimed at 40 students in 1st and final year classes of the ScPo option or who have passed the Resistance and Deportation Competition.

This project will be directly linked to the Landes since it is centered “on the reconstruction of the journey of deportees for acts of Resistance or of “racial” deportees, linked to the Landes, and who were sent to Auschwitz”, we can read in the trip description. We can notably name Serge Goutmann, arrested as a Jew in Mont-de-Marsan at the age of 16 and deported to Auschwitz, or Georgette Fourcade arrested for harboring communists in Soustons and deported to the Polish extermination camp.

This approach is above all part of “a constant need for remembrance and understanding” of this immeasurable horror, which were the concentration and extermination camps. As a reminder, 1,100,000 deportees Mostly Jews, but also Gypsies, Poles and Soviet prisoners of war were exterminated at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

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