Healthcare personnel embody kindness

Healthcare personnel embody kindness
Healthcare personnel embody kindness

In a health system where a large number of citizens blame it for all the ills, I can only say thank you for the kindness of the staff, whether at the CHUM or at Villa Medica. Under the canons of daily criticism, hospital staff could become discouraged. However, I see him trying very hard to take care of us with great attention.

Regardless of the job category, including doctors, attendants, nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, everyone shows kindness and patience.

Return to the CHUM

In my last column, I informed you that after 133 days of hospitalization, I was transferred to the Villa Medica rehabilitation center with a very warm welcome. Unfortunately, breathing problems landed me back in the hospital for a day.

I spent several hours in the emergency room with dedicated staff who endured insults from dozens of patients. Despite these verbal attacks and curses uttered against them, the nurses and attendants remained attentive and responded to the requests for information from these angry or intoxicated patients.


I have been able to observe over the last few days that despite all the flaws in the system, caregivers respond faithfully to the position and try to fill the gaps. We hope that it will be like this for a long time, but we can doubt it with the accounting approaches developed by the CAQ government.

We marvel at the resilience of these kind-hearted people who rejoice when their patients progress in the right direction or who struggle when one of their patients’ health deteriorates. We must then, as citizens or as patients, take our hats off to their dedication and encourage them not to let themselves be swallowed up by the system and its vicissitudes.

One day the sun will shine on the side of good people.



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