Tour Info | StorieTrafic, 06/02/24 – The 6 disruptions of the week in Indre-et-Loire

Tour Info | StorieTrafic, 06/02/24 – The 6 disruptions of the week in Indre-et-Loire
Tour Info | StorieTrafic, 06/02/24 – The 6 disruptions of the week in Indre-et-Loire

On Sunday on Info Tours we list the new disruptions that could affect your travel. Here is what we recorded for the first week of June…

A85 motorway: the night of Monday June 3 (between 6:30 p.m. and 7 a.m.) closure of the exit and entrance ramp to the Druye interchange (n°8.1) coming from Tours and towards Angers. The Les Jardins de Villandry service area remains open and is accessible in the direction Angers towards Tours. It will be inaccessible in the Tours towards Angers direction.

For the rest, follow the diversions put in place.

Towers: in the Douets district, start of 4 months of work on Thursday to redo the sidewalks of Rue Fontaine les Blanches. During construction, vehicles will not be able to access parking spaces in this area. Only access to local residents’ vehicles will be possible depending on the progress of the construction site.

Thursday is also the launch of a 4-week project to make the Rue des Bordiers / Rue de la Fosse Marine intersection accessible. During construction, vehicles will not be able to access parking spaces in this area. Only access to local residents’ vehicles will be possible depending on the progress of the construction site.

Wednesday from 6 p.m. it will be the cycling grand prix of the city of Tours. There will be traffic disruptions in the Europe district. By bus, the LP Eiffel, Europe, Beffroi and Delaroche stops are not served by line 10 (in both directions). Refer to the temporary stop located rue Delaroche, or the temporary stop located rue de Jemmapes, or the Augereau stop located rue Caulaincourt.

Furthermore, the LP Eiffel, Europe and Beffroi stops are not served by line 17 (in both directions). Refer to the temporary stops located rue Delaroche, or the temporary stops located rue de Jemmapes, or the Augereau stop located rue de Caulaincourt.

And then Sunday June 9, watch out for disruptions linked to the Tours’N’Man sporting event (an extreme triathlon). Bus line 5 will be cut in particular in the Giraudeau district and diverted via Avenue de Grammont until 5 p.m. Disruptions also for lines 14 and 15 in the Beaujardin / Bouzignac sector. Information on the Fil Bleu website and application.

The rich one : works Thursday and Friday Rue de la Mairie, and disrupted traffic. By bus, the La Riche Center and Plessis (line 15), Buisson (lines 3, 15 and 34) and Bourgeois (lines 15 and 34) stops are not served in both directions. Refer to the temporary stops, located Avenue du Prieuré or rue de Ligner.



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