she allegedly forced her 5-year-old son to perform fellatio, while the father filmed

she allegedly forced her 5-year-old son to perform fellatio, while the father filmed
she allegedly forced her 5-year-old son to perform fellatio, while the father filmed

JUSTICE / A couple from Haut-Alpes appeared from this Wednesday until Friday before the Criminal Court of Hautes-Alpes in Gap. The facts date back to 2019 until 2022. The mother allegedly committed incestuous acts on her son, aged 5 at the time, when the father was filming

– High mountains –

It is a sordid affair which takes place this Wednesday at the bar of the Criminal Court of Hautes-Alpes. A couple from Haut-Alpins appeared for acts of rape and sexual assault on their 5-year-old son.

At the helm, an incestuous mother, an complicit father

The affair broke out in May 2022, but the facts would have started two years earlier. At the helm, an incestuous mother and an complicit father. The woman, aged 43 at the time, allegedly performed fellatio on her 5-year-old child while the man, a sixty-year-old, was filming. It was first the Departmental Council of Hautes-Alpes which reported the facts, after they were revealed by the father to a social worker. A preliminary investigation is then opened by the Gap public prosecutor’s office. The couple, originally from Bâtie-Neuve, is placed in police custody. With no criminal record, he appeared this Wednesday in a closed-door trial before the Hautes-Alpes criminal court. The couple will also have to answer for corruption of a minor, they face up to 20 years of criminal imprisonment. The verdict is expected Friday. Note that the child and his older half-sister had been placed by court order.





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